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VSC870TX 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: VSC870TX
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内容描述: 高性能串行背板收发器 [High Performance Serial Backplane Transceiver]
分类和应用: 线路驱动器或接收器驱动程序和接口接口集成电路
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 512 K
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Data Sheet  
High Performance Serial  
Backplane Transceiver  
their reference clock inputs from the same source and use their internal CMU as the transmit bit clock. In this case the  
LTIME signal is set LOW. The transceivers on the port card use the recovered bit clock as the source of the transmit  
bit clock, so LTIME must be set HIGH. The table in section 1.5 summarizes these modes of operation.  
4.4 Link Initialization  
Link initialization is completed at power up or at user request. Word alignment is done automatically on both  
transmit and receive data links. Either the transmit or receive side can be word aligned independently of each other.  
Either side can create a transmit clock from its local CMU source or from the clock recovered from the received serial  
data stream. The MODE[1] signal enables transmitter word alignment when it is set HIGH. The MODE[0] signal  
enables receiver word alignment when it is set HIGH. For any given serial connection, only one of these signals on  
each end of the link should be set HIGH.  
For the case of using the transceiver in a simple port to port switching system, only the receiver word aligner is  
enabled. The initialization sequence is as described in section 1.1 except that both transceivers start sending ALIGN  
words at power up. In this configuration, without the switch to act as the master in the initialization process, the  
receiver has to align to both the ALIGN words and the IDLE words for its word boundary.  
For the case of using the transceivers in the backplane interconnect link, all transceivers on the switch card are  
used in master clock mode where they generate both the transmit and receive word boundary which the port cards  
align to. In this case, MODE[1:0] are set LOW for transceivers on the switch card. These transceivers are  
synchronized to a master REFCLK. Since each transceiver is word aligned to the REFCLK, they are all synchronized  
to the same word boundary and the same clock frequency at the switch fabric interface. Transceivers at the port cards  
perform word alignment on both the transmit and receive side so MODE[1:0] are set HIGH. The link initialization  
process is similar to the case of transceiver to the switch synchronization as described earlier in section 1.1.4.  
4.5 Transmitter Operation  
The functional timing diagram for the transmit side is shown below. Synch words be inserted into the data by  
setting TXTYP[1:0] = 00. This initiates the data scrambling sequence in the transceiver. Normal data words should be  
loaded into the transceiver with these bits set to 01, 10, or 11. If no data is ready to be transmitted at the parallel  
interface, TXEN should be set LOW and the transceiver will send out IDLE words.  
Figure 15: Direct Mode Transmitter Functional Timing  
SYN D0 D1  
1, 2, or 3  
D2 D3 D4 D5  
D1 D2 D3  
Set low if no data is ready  
Needed to initiate the scrambling pattern  
© VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION 741 Calle Plano Camarillo, CA 93012  
Tel: (800) VITESSE FAX: (805) 987-5896 Email: prodinfo@vitesse.com  
Internet: www.vitesse.com  
G52190-0, Rev 4.1  
Page 31  