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QT2032 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT2032
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内容描述: [10 Gb/s Serial-to-XAUI PHY ICs for Ethernet and Fibre Channel LAN/ SAN/WAN Applications (CDR)]
分类和应用: 局域网
文件页数/大小: 220 页 / 2383 K
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QT2022/32 - Data Sheet: DS3051  
6.2.2 Line Timing  
Line timing permits the TX Fiber Output to derive timing from the RX Fiber Input. This mode is useful for applica-  
tions where it is necessary or desirable for the TX Fiber Output to be synchronous with equipment at the far end.  
For example, the Fiber Interface may connect to a SONET ADM (Add/Drop Multiplexer) which directs synchronous  
SONET payloads to one of several line outputs.  
Three line timing control modes are provided: Line Timing Disabled, Automatic Line Timing, and Forced Line Tim-  
ing. The Automatic Line Timing control mode is supported only in WAN mode. The line timing control mode is  
determined by the MDIO line timing control bits 1.C001h.9 and 1.C001h.14 which are interpreted as described in  
Table 5, “Line Timing Control Modes”.  
Table 5: Line Timing Control Modes  
Force Line Timing  
Automatic Line Timing  
Line Timing Mode  
Line Timing Disabled  
In WAN mode the TX Fiber Output always derives timing from SREFCLK (or  
VCXOI in VCXOONLY mode).  
In LAN mode the TX Fiber Output always derives timing from EREFCLK or  
Refer to section Section on page 30.  
Automatic Line Timing  
In WAN mode only, the TX Fiber Output derives timing from the recovered clock  
from the RX Fiber Input when the RX Fiber Input is not failed. When the RX Fiber  
Input is failed, the TX Fiber Output derives timing from SREFCLK (or VCXOI in  
VCXOONLY mode).  
Refer to section Section on page 31.  
Forced Line Timing  
In WAN or LAN mode, the TX Fiber Output always derives timing from the  
recovered clock from the RX Fiber Input.  
Refer to section Section 6.2.3 on page 32.  
In WAN mode, by default for all Line Timing Control Modes, the synchronization status message (SSM) in the  
transmitted WIS S1 byte is DUS “Don’t Use for Synchronization” (1111). This indicates to the far end equipment  
that this timing signal should not be used as a timing reference, e.g, for line timing. For more information on SSMs  
see Telcordia GR-253-CORE Issue 3 Section 5.4.2.  
To meet SONET jitter transfer requirements, the external VCXO must be implemented and used in Line Timing  
mode. See Section 6.2.4 on page 32 for details.  
Line Timing Disabled Mode  
The Line Timing Disabled mode is the default Line Timing mode. In this mode, line timing is fully disabled. This  
mode is used in applications where the TX Fiber Output is intended to always derive timing from a local frequency  
source such as a crystal oscillator. In WAN mode, the TX Fiber Output will always derive timing from SREFCLK or  
VCXOI in VCXOONLY mode. In LAN mode, the TX Fiber Output will always derived timing from either EREFCLK  
AppliedMicro - Confidential & Proprietary  
Revision 5.11  