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QT2032 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT2032
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内容描述: [10 Gb/s Serial-to-XAUI PHY ICs for Ethernet and Fibre Channel LAN/ SAN/WAN Applications (CDR)]
分类和应用: 局域网
文件页数/大小: 220 页 / 2383 K
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QT2022/32 - Data Sheet: DS3051  
Automatic Line Timing Mode  
The Automatic Line Timing mode allows the TX Fiber Output to derive timing from a valid recovered clock from the  
RX Fiber Input. When the RX Fiber Input is not valid, the TX Fiber Output derives timing from SREFCLK (or from  
VCXOI in VCXOONLY mode). The QT2032 deems the recovered clock from the RX Fiber Input to be valid when all  
of the following conditions are TRUE:  
1. RX Fiber CDR VCO is not in forced mode (MDIO 1.C030h.10 = 0)  
2. Fiber Interface is not in PMA System Loopback (MDIO 1.0.0 = 0)  
3. PMA LOS defect is clear RXLOSB_I = 1 (visible in MDIO 1.10.0) or LOS Override is Set (MDIO 1.C001h.10 =  
1). This condition assumes that XFP = 0. If XFP = 1 then the RXLOSB_I is inverted.  
4. PMA SYNCERR unlatched defect is clear (latched version visible in MDIO register 1.C001h.1) or SYNCERR  
Override is Set (MDIO register 1.C030h.5:4 = ‘01’)  
5. WIS LOF unlatched defect is clear (latched version visible in MDIO register 2.33.7) or LOF Override is Set  
(MDIO register 1.C030h.15)  
6. WIS Line AIS unlatched defect is clear (latched version visible in MDIO register 2.33.4) or AIS Override is Set  
(MDIO register 1.C030h.14)  
For each defect used to disable line timing, an override capability is provided. By default, the override for each  
defect is Clear. However, the override for each defect may be independently set to prevent the associated defect  
from disabling line timing. The effective logic used to generate the internal signal enabling line timing, ltimeok, is  
represented in Figure 8.  
Figure 8: Line Timing Enable Logic  
mdio_line_ais_override (1.C030h.14)  
mdio_syncerr_override (1.C030h.7)  
(enables linetiming)  
core_frcvco_frx (1.C030h.10)  
pma_sys_lpbk (1.0.0)  
mdio_lof_override (1.C030h.15)  
mdio_los_override (1.C001h.10)  
(note MDIO bits are low by default i.e. on powerup)  
Further qualification of the signal may be required by external software. For example, it must be determined  
whether the use of the received signal as a line timing reference will result in a timing loop. This may happen if the  
far end is also in line timing mode. Qualification of the received signal may be achieved using the Synchronization  
Status Message (SSM) in the WIS S1 byte. Refer to section Section 7.3.3 on page 47.  
Revision 5.11  
AppliedMicro - Confidential & Proprietary  