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QT2032 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT2032
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内容描述: [10 Gb/s Serial-to-XAUI PHY ICs for Ethernet and Fibre Channel LAN/ SAN/WAN Applications (CDR)]
分类和应用: 局域网
文件页数/大小: 220 页 / 2383 K
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QT2022/32 - Data Sheet: DS3051  
5.2 Receive Path  
5.2.1 Limiting Amp  
The receiver input contains a limiting amplifier designed for a differential CML voltage across the RXIN inputs. The  
input polarity can be selected by pin RXIN_SEL. The input sensitivity is good enough to eliminate the need for an  
external limiting amp in many applications. For a system card application, the XFP input pin is set high and an input  
equalization circuit is activated to allow for longer FR4 traces. It can be deactivated by asserting MDIO register bit  
AC coupling of the 10Gb/s input signal(s) is required to achieve good sensitivity as it reduces the amount of 1/f  
noise at the input to the QT2022/32.  
5.2.2 Loss of Signal Detector  
The RX input limiting amplifier also incorporates a loss of signal detector. The loss of signal detector is disabled if  
the input equalization circuit is activated (see Section 5.2.1 above). The LOSOUTB signal is available as an output.  
The loss of signal threshold (in mVpp) is controlled by adjusting the value of the external resistor connected to the  
ITH_LOS pin. The threshold includes built-in hysteresis to prevent LOSOUTB chatter. The LOSOUTB signal can  
be externally connected to the RXLOSB_I input (this allows for the option of using an external TIALA with its own  
loss of signal detector).  
5.2.3 Clock Recovery  
The output of the limiting amp goes to a clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. When the PLL is frequency locked  
to the incoming data, the internal signal, frxlock is asserted. When frxlock is low the receive data outputs RxX-  
AUI<0:3> will transmit idle frames and error codes. The state of frxlock is reflected in the ‘PMA receive link status’  
bit, 1.1.2, a latched low register bit whose value is determined by the equation {frxlock AND RXLOSB_I}. The state  
of the RXLOSB_I input is shown separately in Register bit 1.10.0.  
The PLL uses an external loop filter. See Section 18.1, “External Components,” on page 209 for the loop filter com-  
ponents and values.  
Recovered Clock Frequency Monitoring and RXCLK  
When the receive recovered clock is more than 500ppm from the transmit reference clock, a synchronization error  
is declared and the internal signal sync_err goes high. sync_err can be viewed at MDIO register 1.C001h.1. This is  
a latched high register bit that is cleared on read. On powerup or reset, the register must be read to clear it.  
5.2.4 Demultiplexer and Clock Divider  
All clocks needed for the demultiplexer and the reset of the receive path are generated in this block by dividing  
down the 10GHz recovered clock. The demultiplexer converts the 10 Gb/s serial incoming data into 64 parallel bits.  
A divide-by-64 recovered clock can be output at RXPLLOUT by setting MDIO register bit 1.C001h.6 = 1.  
5.2.5 Receive WAN Interface Sublayer (WIS) (QT2032 Only)  
The RX WIS block receives data from a SONET link and extracts the Ethernet payload from the STS-192c SPE. It  
also monitors the integrity of data at the Section, Line and Path levels and monitors both near and far end faults.  
The WIS receive and transmit blocks can be bypassed by setting MDIO register 2.7.0 to 0 or if LANMODE = 1.  
AppliedMicro - Confidential & Proprietary  
Revision 5.11  