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SCA21X0 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SCA21X0
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内容描述: VTI汽车数字加速度平台 [VTI Automotive Digital Accelerometer Platform]
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 522 K
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SCA8X0/21X0/3100 Series  
SPI frame format and transfer protocol is presented in Figure 3.  
Figure 3: SPI frame format  
Register address  
Read/Write selection, '0'=read  
Odd parity for bits A5:A0, RB/W  
Input data for data write  
Bit 1  
Bit 3-5 status bits  
not defined bit  
Frame error indication (previous frame)  
PORST Power On Reset Status  
Self Test error, not defined in SCA8X0  
Output SATuration indicator, not defined in SCA8X0  
always ‘0’, fixed bit  
always ‘1’, fixed bit  
Odd parity for output data (DO7:DO0)  
Output data  
Bit 6  
Bit 7  
Each communication frame contains 16 bits. Please see Figure 3 for SPI bit definition. The first 8  
bits in MOSI line contains info about the operation (read/write) and the register address being  
accessed. First 6 bits define 6 bit address for selected operation, which is defined by bit 7 (‘0’ =  
read ‘1’ = write), which is followed by odd parity bit (aPAR) for 8 bit pattern. The later 8 bits in MOSI  
line contain data for a write operation and are ignored in case of read operation.  
The first bits in MISO line are frame error bit (FRME, bit2) of previous frame, reset status bit  
(PORST, bit3), self-test status bit (ST, bit4), saturation status (SAT, bit5), fixed zero bit (bit6), fixed  
one bit (bit7) and odd parity bit of output data (dPAR, bit8)). Parity is calculated from data, which is  
currently sent. The later 8 bits contain data for a read operation. During the write operation, these  
data bits are previous data bits of addressed register.  
For write commands, data is written into the addressed register on the rising edge of CSB. If the  
command frame is invalid, data will not be written into the register.  
The output register is shifted out MSB first over MISO output. Attempt to read a reserved register  
outputs data of 00h.  
When CSB is high state between data transfers, MISO line is in high-impedance state. If bit  
CTRL.SDODIS is set to ‘1’, MISO line is always in high-impedance state. In multi-chip SPI bus  
master can send data to all slave chips simultaneously.  
4.1 Output of Acceleration Data  
16-bit data is sent in 8-bit data bytes during two frames. Each frame contains odd parity bit of data  
bits. Number format of acceleration data is two’s complement number.  
VTI Technologies Oy  
Doc. Nr. 82 694 00 C  