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TS7001IM8TP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TS7001IM8TP
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内容描述: 微功耗,双通道, 187.5 - ksps的,串行输出的12位SAR ADC [A Micropower, 2-channel, 187.5-ksps, Serial-Output 12-bit SAR ADC]
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 1380 K
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design must always write [PM1, PM0] = [0,1] into the  
control register on every serial input data transfer.  
driving the CS pin from one of the host processor’s  
port lines and ensuring that the serial data read  
(from the microcontrollers serial port) is not initiated  
for at least 5μs.  
A high-to-low CS transition initiates the conversion  
sequence and the analog input signal is sampled on  
the second low-to-high SCLK transition. Sixteen  
serial clock cycles are required to complete the  
conversion and to transfer the conversion result to  
the host processor. Another conversion can be  
In DSP applications, where the CS signal is derived  
typically from the DSP’s serial frame synchronization  
port, it is usually not possible to separate a high-to-  
low CS transition and a second low-to-high SCLK  
transition by up to 5μs without affecting the DSP  
system serial clock speed. Therefore, system timing  
design should incorporate a WRITE to the TS7001’s  
control register to terminate PM Mode 1 operation  
and program the ADC into PM Mode 2; that is, by  
writing [PM1,PM0] = [0,1] into the TS7001’s control  
register. To get a valid conversion result, a second  
conversion must be initiated when the ADC is  
powered up. A WRITE operation that takes place  
with this second conversion can program the ADC  
back into PM Mode 1 where the power-down  
initiated immediately by toggling the CS pin low  
again once data transfer is complete (that is, once  
the CS signal is toggled high).  
Power Management Mode 3 Operation: [PM1,  
PM0] = [1,0]  
In this mode, the TS7001 is automatically powered  
down at the end of every conversion. It is similar to  
PM Mode 1 except that the status of the CS signal in  
PM Mode 3 does not have any effect on the power-  
down status of the TS7001.  
operation is enabled when the CS pin is toggled high  
Power Management Mode 2 Operation:  
[PM1,PM0] = [0,1]  
Figure 11 shows the general operating diagram of  
the TS7001 in PM Mode 3. On the first high-to-low  
SCLK transition after CS is toggled low, all TS7001’s  
internal circuitry starts to power up. Similarly to PM  
Mode 1, it can take as long as 5μs for the TS7001’s  
internal circuitry to power up completely. As a result,  
any conversion start sequence should not be  
initiated during this initial 5-μs power-up delay. The  
analog input signal is sampled on the second low-to-  
Regardless of the status of the CS signal, the  
TS7001 remains fully powered up in this mode of  
operation. PM Mode 2 should be used for fastest  
throughput rate performance because the system  
timing design does not need to incorporate the  
TS7001’s 5-μs power-up delay time. Figure 10  
shows the general operating diagram for the TS7001  
in PM Mode 2.  
high SCLK transition following the high-to-low CS  
transition. As shown in Figure 18, system timing  
design should incorporate a 5-μs delay between the  
Serial data programmed into the TS7001 at the DIN  
input during the first eight clock cycles of data  
transfer are loaded to the control register. For the  
TS7001 to remain in PM Mode 2, system timing  
first high-to-low SCLꢀ transition and the second low-  
to-high SCLK transition after the high-to-low CS  
Figure 10: TS7001’s Power Management Mode 2 Operation Diagram.  
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TS7001DS r1p0  