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CXD1199AQ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CXD1199AQ
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分类和应用: 解码器消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 348 K
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2-1-11. CLRINT (clear interrupt status) register  
When each bit of this register is set high, the corresponding interrupt status is cleared. The bit concerned is  
automatically set low after its interrupt status has been cleared. There is therefore no need for the sub CPU  
to reset low.  
bit 7 : DRVOVRN (drive overrun)  
bit 6 : DECTOUT (decoder time out)  
bit 5 : RSLTEMP (reset empty)  
bit 4 : RTADPEND (real-time ADPCM end)  
bit 3 : HDMACMP (host DMA complete)  
bit 2 : DECINT (decoder interrupt)  
bit 1 : HSTCMND (host command)  
bit 0 : HCRISD (host chip reset issued)  
2-1-12. HXFR-L (host transfer-low) register  
2-1-13. HXFR-H (host transfer-high) register  
bit 7 : DISHXFRC (disable host transfer counter)  
High : The completion of the data transfer by HXFRC is disabled for data transfer between the host and  
buffer memory.  
Low : The completion of the data transfer by HXFRC is enabled for data transfer between the host and  
buffer memory.  
bits 6, 5 : Reserved  
bit 4 : HADR16  
HADR bit 16 (MSB)  
bit 3 : HXFR11  
HXFR (host transfer counter) bit 11 (MSB)  
bit 2 : HXFR10  
HXFR bit 10  
bit 1 : HXFR9  
HXFR bit 9  
bit 0 : HXFR8  
HXFR bit 8  
The HXFR (host transfer) register sets the number of data transferred between the host and buffer memory.  
The sub CPU sets this number when data is transferred between the host and buffer memory by setting the  
DISHXFRC bit low.  
2-1-14. HADR-L register  
2-1-15. HADR-M register  
2-1-16. HADR-H register  
The HADR (host address) register is for the head addresses of data transfer between the host and buffer  
2-1-17. DADRC-L register  
2-1-18. DADRC-M register  