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CXD1199AQ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CXD1199AQ
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分类和应用: 解码器消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 348 K
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bit 1 : CMODE (correction mode)  
bit 0 : CFORM (correction form)  
Indicates the MODE and FORM of the current sector the decoder has discriminated and corrected  
errors when the decoder is operating in the real-time correction or repeat correction mode.  
2-2-2. DECSTS (decoder status) register  
bit 5 : RTADPBSY (real-time ADPCM busy)  
This is high for real-time ADPCM playback.  
bit 1 : SHRTSCT (short sector)  
Indicates that the sync mark interval was less than 2351 bytes. This sector does not remain in the  
buffer memory.  
bit 0 : NOSYNC  
Indicates that the sync mark was inserted because one was not detected at the prescribed position.  
2-2-3. HDRFLG (header flag) register  
This register indicates the error flags of the header and sub header register bytes.  
2-2-4. HDR (header) register  
This is a 4-byte register which indicates the current sector header byte. By setting the address to 03HEX and  
reading out the data in sequence, the sub CPU can ascertain the values of the current sector header bytes  
from the minute byte.  
2-2-5. SHDR (sub header) register  
This is a 4-byte register which indicates the current sector sub header byte. By setting the address to 04HEX  
and reading out the data 4 times, the sub CPU can ascertain the values of the current sector sub header  
bytes in the sequence of the file, submode and data type bytes.  
The contents of the HDRFLG, HDR, SHDR registers indicate:  
(1) The corrected value in the real-time correction or repeat correction mode  
(2) Value of the raw data from the drive in the monitor-only or write-only mode  
The CMOME and CMODE bits (bits 1, 0) of ECCSTS indicate the FORM and MODE of the sector the  
decoder has discriminated by the raw data from the drive. Due to erroneous correction, the values of these  
bits may be at variance with those of the HDR register MODE byte and SHDR register submode byte bit 5.  
2-2-6. CMADR (current minute address) register  
This register indicates the upper 7 bits of the buffer memory address where the minute byte of the current  
sector (after error correction) is written in bits 6 to 0. (Remaining address bits are all low.)  