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47N350 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 47N350
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分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 346 页 / 4406 K
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Legacy-Free Keyboard/Embedded Controller with SPI and LPC Docking Interface  
Note: There are four PS/2 Control Registers, one for each channel.  
PS/2 Channel Transmit/Receive (default = 0). This bit is only valid when PS2_EN=1 and sets the PS2  
logic for automatic transmission or reception when PS2_T/R equals ‘1’ or ‘0’ respectively.  
When set, the PS/2 channel is enabled to transmit data. To properly initiate a transmit operation, this  
bit must be set prior to writing to the Transmit Register; writes are blocked to the Transmit Register  
when this bit is not set. Upon setting the PS2_T/R bit, the channel will drive its CLK line low and then  
float the DATA line and hold this state until a write occurs to the Transmit Register or until the PS2_T/R  
bit is cleared. Writing to the Transmit Register initiates the transmit operation. LPC47N350 drives the  
data line low and, within 80ns, floats the clock line (externally pulled high by the pull-up resistor) to signal  
to the external PS/2 device that data is now available. The PS2_T/R bit is cleared on the 11th clock  
edge of the transmission or if a Transmit Timeout error condition occurs.  
Note: If the PS2_T/R bit is set while the channel is actively receiving data prior to the leading edge of  
the 10th (parity bit) clock edge, the receive data is discarded. If this bit is not set prior to the  
10th clock signal, then the receive data is saved in the Receive Register.  
When the PS2_T/R bit is cleared, the PS/2 channel is enabled to receive data. Upon clearing this bit,  
if RDATA_RDY=0, the channel’s CLK and DATA will float waiting for the external PS/2 device to signal  
the start of a transmission. If the PS2_T/R bit is set while RDATA_RDY=1, then the channel’s DATA  
line will float but its CLK line will be held low, holding off the peripheral, until the Receive Register is  
PS2 Channel ENable (default = 0). When PS2_EN=1, the PS/2 State machine is enabled allowing the  
channel to perform automatic reception or transmission depending on the bit value of PS2_T/R. When  
PS2_EN = 0, the channel’s automatic PS/2 state machine is disabled and the channel can be bit-banged  
through the WR_DATA and WR_CLK bits in the Control Register and the RD_DATA and RD_CLK bits  
in the Status Register. Thus, when PS2_En=0, the channel’s CLK and DATA lines are forced to the  
level specified in the Control Register WR_CLK and WR_DATA bits.  
Note: If the PS2_EN bit is cleared prior to the leading edge (falling edge) of the 10th (parity bit) clock  
edge the receive data is discarded (RDATA_RDY remains low). If the PS2_EN bit is cleared  
following the leading edge of the 10th clock signal, then the receive data is saved in the Receive  
Register (RDATA_RDY goes high) assuming no parity error.  
PROGRAMMER’S NOTE: To abort a transfer from the peripheral the WR_CLK and PS2_EN bits can be set low  
simultaneously and held for at least 300us.  
Bits [3:2] of the Control Register are used to set the parity expected by the PS/2 channel state machine.  
These bits are therefore only valid when PS2_EN=1.  
Bits[3:2] = 00: Receiver expects Odd Parity (default).  
= 01: Receiver expects Even Parity.  
= 10: Receiver ignores level of the parity bit (10th bit is not interpreted as a parity bit).  
= 11: Reserved.  
Bits [5:4] of the Control Register are used to set the level of the stop bit expected by the PS/2 channel  
state machine. These bits are therefore only valid when PS2_EN=1.  
Bits[5:4] = 00: Receiver expects an active high stop bit.  
= 01: Receiver expects an active low stop bit.  
Revision 1.1 (01-14-03)  
SMSC LPC47N350  