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SAA7146AH 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SAA7146AH
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内容描述: 多媒体桥接器,高性能倍线器和PCI电路SPCI [Multimedia bridge, high performance Scaler and PCI circuit SPCI]
分类和应用: 商用集成电路PC
文件页数/大小: 144 页 / 646 K
品牌: NXP [ NXP ]
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Philips Semiconductors  
Product specification  
Multimedia bridge, high performance  
Scaler and PCI circuit (SPCI)  
The video channels provide 32 bits of data signals and  
4 bits of Byte Enable (BE) signals, End-Of-Line (EOL),  
End-Of-Window (EOW), Begin-Of-Field (BOF),  
Line-Locked Clock (LLC), Odd/Even signal (OE) and a  
Valid Data (VD) signal. To start a video data transfer, e.g.  
via video DMA Channel 3, this channel must first be  
included in the internal arbitration scheme. This is  
achieved by setting the corresponding TR_E bit  
(see Table 10). If a TR_E bit is not set, the corresponding  
FIFO is reset.  
shown in Fig.5. If using negative pitch the first line starts at  
base address + pitch.  
In ‘none-RPS’ mode the SAA7146A supports the  
displaying of interlaced video data by using the two  
different base addresses (BaseOdd and BaseEven) and  
vertical start phases (YPE6 to YPE0 and YPO6 to YPO0)  
for odd and even fields.  
Using the protection address, system memory could be  
kept of from prohibited write accesses. If the PCI pointer of  
the current transfer reaches or exceeds the protection  
address, the SAA7146A stops this transfer and an  
interrupt is initiated. No interrupt is set if a protection  
violation occurs due to the programming that was done  
before the channel has been switched on. To prevent one  
field from being transferred into memory, set its base  
address (BaseOdd or BaseEven) to the same value as the  
protection address.  
In read mode, which is offered by Channels 2 and 3, the  
FICO requests a PCI transfer with the next BOF. Data is  
provided by the PCI master module. The FICO calculates  
the PCI address autonomously, starting with the base  
address of the corresponding field. Only the received data  
will be filled into the FIFO. FIFO 3 offers the possibility to  
read video information from PCI memory, e.g. from the  
frame buffer. This could be achieved by using the  
NumBytes and the NumLines register, which defines the  
size of the source picture, so that the DMA control is able  
to synchronize itself to the source frame. FIFO 2 does the  
same if reading clip information from memory.  
If the Protection Violation (PV) handling bit and the limit  
register are reset, the following data will be ignored until  
detection of the End-Of-Window (EOW) signal. In read  
mode the DMA control also waits for this signal, to start the  
next data transfer. If the PV bit is set, the input of the FIFO  
will be locked and the FIFO will be emptied. If the FIFO is  
empty the TR_E bit is reset. This feature could be used for  
a single capture mode, if the protection address is the  
same address as the last pixel in this field. With that, the  
SAA7146A will write one field into system memory and  
then stop.  
To support the Binary Ratio Scaler (BRS) included in the  
SAA7146A, which only provides the possibility of  
horizontal upscaling, the DMA control 3 can be applied to  
perform line repetition by reading lines up to four times  
from PCI memory. This feature is controlled by the vertical  
scaling ratio in outbound mode (see Table 66). This ratio  
specifies the number of times each line should be read:  
00 = only once, 01 = twice, and so on.  
If the limit register of any DMA channel (video, VBI data or  
audio) has a value other than ‘0000’ the continuous write  
mode is chosen. If the actual PCI address hits the  
protection address and the PV bit is zero, the FINC stops  
the current transfer, sets an interrupt and resets the actual  
address to the base address. Regarding this, the  
protection address could be used to define a memory  
space to which data is sent. The SAA7146A offers the  
possibility to monitor the filling level of this memory space.  
The limit register defines an address limit, which generates  
an interrupt if passed by the actual PCI address pointer.  
‘0001’ means an interrupt will be generated if the lower  
6 bits (64 bytes) of the PCI address are zero. ‘0010’  
defines a limit of 128 bytes, ‘0011’ one of 256 bytes, and  
so on up to 1 Mbyte defined by ‘1111’. This interrupt range  
can be calculated as follows:  
In the event of FIFO underflow, i.e. if the BRS or the  
clipping unit respectively tries to read data from the FIFO,  
even if the DMA control was not able to fill any data until  
that moment, the reading unit tries to synchronize itself to  
the outgoing data stream as soon as possible. In this way  
the reading of invalid data is minimized. If the clipping unit  
receives no data, it will disable the associated pixels.  
The behaviour of the BRS depends on the selected read  
mode which is described in Section 7.10.  
In the event of FIFO overflow, i.e. if the scaler tries to  
transfer data although the FIFO is full, the FIFO input  
control locks the FIFO for the incoming data. During FIFO  
overflow the PCI address of the incoming data will be  
increased, over writing itself each time, if the scaler  
transfers data, which has been clipped, the same  
mechanism is used to improve PCI performance.  
Range = 2(5 + Limit) bytes.  
The protection handling modes such as those selected by  
the PV bit and the contents of the limit register are shown  
in Table 4.  
The SAA7146A is able to handle a negative pitch.  
With that, top-down-flip of the transmitted fields or frames  
is possible. A negative pitch (MSB = 1) leads to a different  
definition of the protection and the base address, as  
1998 Apr 09  