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OX16C950-PCC60-B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OX16C950-PCC60-B
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内容描述: 高性能UART与128字节的FIFO [High Performance UART with 128 byte FIFOs]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 49 页 / 436 K
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OX16C950 rev B  
In this case, as long as there are no errors pending, i.e.  
LSR[1], LSR[3], and LSR[4] are clear, '0' can be read back  
from LSR[7] and LSR[1], thus differentiating between an  
‘address’ interrupt and receiver error or overrun interrupt in  
9-bit mode. Note however that should an overrun or error  
interrupt actually occur, an address character may also  
reside in the FIFO. In this case, the software driver should  
examine the contents of the receiver FIFO as well as  
process the error.  
15.10 Modem Disable Mask ‘MDM’  
The MDM register is located at offset 0x0E of the ICR  
This register is cleared after a hardware reset to maintain  
compatibility with 16C550. It allows the user to mask  
interrupts and control sleep operation due to individual  
modem lines or the serial input line.  
MDM[0]: Disable delta CTS  
logic 0 Delta CTS is enabled. It can generate a level 4  
interrupt when enabled by IER[3]. Delta CTS  
can wake up the UART when it is asleep under  
auto-sleep operation.  
logic 1 Delta CTS is disabled. It can not generate an  
interrupt or wake up the UART.  
The above facility produces an interrupt for recognizing any  
‘address’ characters. Alternatively, the user can configure  
OX16C950 to match the receiver data stream with up to  
four programmable 9-bit characters and assert a level 5  
interrupt after detecting a match. The interrupt occurs when  
the character is transferred to the FIFO (See below).  
MDM[1]: Disable delta DSR  
logic 0 Delta DSR is enabled. It can generate a level 4  
interrupt when enabled by IER[3]. Delta DSR  
can wake up the UART when it is asleep under  
auto-sleep operation.  
logic 1 Delta DSR is disabled. In can not generate an  
interrupt or wake up the UART.  
NMR[0]: 9-bit mode enable  
logic 0 ⇒  
logic 1 ⇒  
9-bit mode is disabled.  
9-bit mode is enabled.  
NMR[1]: Enable interrupt when 9th bit is set  
MDM[2]: Disable Trailing edge RI  
logic 0 ⇒  
logic 1 ⇒  
Receiver interrupt for detection of an  
logic 0 Trailing edge RI is enabled. It can generate a  
level 4 interrupt when enabled by IER[3].  
Trailing edge RI can wake up the UART when it  
is asleep under auto-sleep operation.  
logic 1 Trailing edge RI is disabled. In can not generate  
an interrupt or wake up the UART.  
‘address’ character (i.e. 9th bit set) is  
Receiver interrupt for detection of an  
‘address’ character (i.e. 9th bit set) is  
enabled and a level 1 interrupt is asserted.  
MDM[3]: Disable delta DCD  
Special Character Detection  
logic 0 Delta DCD is enabled. It can generate a level 4  
interrupt when enabled by IER[3]. Delta DCD  
can wake up the UART when it is asleep under  
auto-sleep operation.  
logic 1 Delta DCD is disabled. In can not generate an  
interrupt or wake up the UART.  
While the UART is in both 9-bit mode and Enhanced mode,  
setting IER[5] will enable detection of up to four ‘address’  
characters. The least significant eight bits of these four  
programmable characters are stored in special characters  
1 to 4 (XON1, XON2, XOFF1 and XOFF2 in 650 mode)  
registers and the 9th bit of these characters are  
programmed in NMR[5] to NMR[2] respectively.  
MDM[7:4]: Reserved  
These bits must be set to ‘0000’  
NMR[2]: Bit 9 of Special Character 1  
NMR[3]: Bit 9 of Special Character 2  
NMR[4]: Bit 9 of Special Character 3  
NMR[5]: Bit 9 of Special Character 4  
15.11 Readable FCR ‘RFC’  
The RFC register is located at offset 0x0F of the ICR  
This read-only register returns the current state of the FCR  
register (Note that FCR is write-only). This register is  
included for diagnostic purposes.  
NMR[7:6]: Reserved  
Bits 6 and 7 of NMR are always cleared and reserved for  
future use.  
Data Sheet Revision 1.2  
Page 38  