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OX16C950-PCC60-B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OX16C950-PCC60-B
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内容描述: 高性能UART与128字节的FIFO [High Performance UART with 128 byte FIFOs]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 49 页 / 436 K
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OX16C950 rev B  
receiver FIFO exceeds the upper trigger level defined by  
FCR[7:6] as described in section 8.1. An XON is then sent  
when the FIFO is read down to the lower fill level. The flow  
control is enabled and the appropriate mode selected using  
15.4 Transmitter Trigger Level ‘TTL’  
The TTL register is located at offset 0x04 of the ICR  
Whenever 950 trigger levels are enabled (ACR[5]=1), bits 4  
and 5 of FCR are ignored and an alternative arbitrary  
transmitter interrupt trigger level can be defined in the TTL  
register. This 7-bit value provides a fully programmable  
transmitter interrupt trigger facility. In 950 mode, a priority  
level 3 interrupt occurs indicating that the transmitter buffer  
requires more characters when the interrupt is not masked  
(IER[1]=1) and the transmitter FIFO level falls below the  
value stored in the TTL register. The value 0 (0x00) has a  
special meaning. In 950 mode when the user writes 0x00  
to the TTL register, a level 3 interrupt only occurs when the  
FIFO and the transmitter shift register are both empty and  
the SOUT line is in the idle marking state. This feature is  
particularly useful to report back the empty state of the  
transmitter after its FIFO has been flushed away.  
In 950 mode, the flow control thresholds defined by  
FCR[7:6] are ignored. In this mode threshold levels are  
programmed using FCL and FCH. When in-band flow  
control is enabled (defined by EFR[3:0]) and the receiver  
FIFO level (‘RFL’) reaches the value programmed in the  
FCH register, an XOFF is transmitted to stop the flow of  
serial data . The flow is resumed when the receiver FIFO  
fill level falls to below the value programmed in the FCL  
register, at which point an XON character is sent. The FCL  
value of 0x00 is illegal.  
For example if FCL and FCH contain 64 and 100  
respectively, XOFF is transmitted when the receiver FIFO  
contains 100 characters, and XON is transmitted when  
sufficient characters are read from the receiver FIFO such  
that there are 63 characters remaining.  
15.5 Receiver Interrupt. Trigger Level ‘RTL’  
The RTL register is located at offset 0x05 of the ICR  
CTS/RTS and DSR/DTR out-of-band flow control use the  
same trigger levels as in-band flow control. When out-of-  
band flow control is enabled, RTS# (or DTR#) line is de-  
asserted when the receiver FIFO level reaches the upper  
limit defined in the FCH and is re-asserted when the  
receiver FIFO is drained below the lower limit defined in  
FCL. When 950 trigger levels are enabled (ACR[5]=1), the  
CTS# flow control functions as in 650 mode and is  
configured by EFR[7]. However, when EFR[6] is set, RTS#  
is automatically de-asserted when RFL reaches FCH and  
re-asserted when RFL drops below FCL.  
Whenever 950 trigger levels are enabled (ACR[5]=1), bits 6  
and 7 of FCR are ignored and an alternative arbitrary  
receiver interrupt trigger level can be defined in the RTL  
register. This 7-bit value provides a fully programmable  
receiver interrupt trigger facility as opposed to the limited  
trigger levels available in 16C650 and 16C750 devices. It  
enables the system designer to optimise the interrupt  
performance hence minimising the interrupt overhead.  
In 950 mode, a priority level 2 interrupt occurs indicating  
that the receiver data is available when the interrupt is not  
masked (IER[0]=1) and the receiver FIFO level reaches the  
value stored in this register.  
DSR# flow control is configured with ACR[2]. DTR# flow  
control is configured with ACR[4:3].  
15.7 Device Identification Registers  
15.6 Flow Control Levels ‘FCL & FCH’  
The identification registers is located at offsets 0x08 to 0x0B  
of the ICR  
The FCL and FCH registers are located at offsets 0x06 and  
0x07 of the ICR respectively  
The OX16C950 offers four bytes of device identification.  
The device ID registers may be read using offset values  
0x08 to 0x0B of the Indexed Control Register. Registers  
ID1, ID2 and ID3 identify the device as an OX16C950 and  
return 0x16, 0xC9 and 0x50 respectively. The REV register  
resides at offset 0x0B of ICR and identifies the revision of  
950 core. This register returns 0x03 for revision B of the  
Enhanced software flow control using XON/XOFF and  
hardware flow control using RTS#/CTS# and DTR#/DSR#  
are available when 950 mode trigger levels are enabled  
(ACR[5]=1). Improved flow control threshold levels are  
offered using Flow Control Lower trigger level (‘FCL’) and  
Flow Control Higher trigger level (‘FCH’) registers to  
provide a greater degree of flexibility when optimising the  
flow control performance. Generally, these facilities are  
only available in Enhanced mode.  
In 650 mode, in-band flow control is enabled using the EFR  
register. An XOFF character is transmitted when the  
Data Sheet Revision 1.2  
Page 36  