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OX16C950-PCC60-B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OX16C950-PCC60-B
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内容描述: 高性能UART与128字节的FIFO [High Performance UART with 128 byte FIFOs]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 49 页 / 436 K
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OX16C950 rev B  
This bit reflects the unlatched state of the FIFOSEL pin.  
15.1 Additional Status Register ‘ASR’  
ASR[0]: Transmitter disabled  
logic 0 The transmitter is not disabled by in-band flow  
logic 1 The receiver has detected an XOFF, and has  
disabled the transmitter.  
ASR[6]: FIFO size  
logic 0 FIFOs are 16 deep if FCR[0] = 1.  
logic 1 FIFOs are 128 deep if FCR[0] = 1.  
Note: If FCR[0] = 0, the FIFOs are 1 deep.  
This bit is cleared after a hardware reset or channel  
software reset. The software driver may write a 0 to this bit  
to re-enable the transmitter if it was disabled by in-band  
flow control. Writing a 1 to this bit has no effect.  
ASR[7]: Transmitter Idle  
logic 0 Transmitter is transmitting.  
logic 1 Transmitter is idle.  
ASR[1]: Remote transmitter disabled  
logic 0 The remote transmitter is not disabled by in-  
band flow control.  
This bit reflects the state of the internal transmitter. It is set  
when both the transmitter FIFO and shift register are  
logic 1 The transmitter has sent an XOFF character,  
to disable the remote transmitter. (Cleared  
when a subsequent XON is sent).  
15.2 FIFO Fill levels ‘TFL & RFL’  
The number of characters stored in the THR and RHR can  
be determined by reading the TFL and RFL registers  
respectively. As the UART clock is asynchronous with  
respect to the processor, it is possible for the levels to  
change during a read of these FIFO levels. It is therefore  
recommended that the levels are read twice and compared  
to check that the values obtained are valid. The values  
should be interpreted as follows:  
This bit is cleared after a hardware reset or channel  
software reset. The software driver may write a 0 to this bit  
to re-enable the remote transmitter (an XON is  
transmitted). Writing a 1 to this bit has no effect.  
Note: The remaining bits (ASR[7:2]) of this register are read only  
ASR[2]: RTS  
This is the complement of the actual state of the RTS# pin  
when the device is not in loopback mode. The driver  
software can determine if the remote transmitter is disabled  
by RTS# out-of-band flow control by reading this bit. In  
loopback mode this bit reflects the flow control status rather  
than the pin’s actual state.  
1. The number of characters in the THR is no greater  
than the value read back from TFL.  
2. The number of characters in the RHR is no less than  
the value read back from RFL.  
15.3 Additional Control Register ‘ACR’  
ASR[3]: DTR  
The ACR register is located at offset 0x00 of the ICR  
This is the complement of the actual state of the DTR# pin  
when the device is not in loopback mode. The driver  
software can determine if the remote transmitter is disabled  
by DTR# out-of-band flow control by reading this bit. In  
loopback mode this bit reflects the flow control status rather  
than the pin’s actual state.  
ACR[0]: Receiver disable  
logic 0 The receiver is enabled, receiving data and  
storing it in the RHR.  
logic 1 The receiver is disabled. The receiver  
continues to operate as normal to maintain the  
framing synchronisation with the receive data  
stream but received data is not stored into the  
RHR. In-band flow control characters continue  
to be detected and acted upon. Special  
characters will not be detected.  
ASR[4]: Special character detected  
logic 0 No special character has been detected.  
logic 1 A special character has been received and is  
stored in the RHR.  
Changes to this bit will only be recognised following the  
completion of any data reception pending.  
This can be used to determine whether a level 5 interrupt  
was caused by receiving a special character rather than an  
XOFF. The flag is cleared following the read of the ASR.  
Data Sheet Revision 1.2  
Page 34  