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OX16C950-PCC60-B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: OX16C950-PCC60-B
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内容描述: 高性能UART与128字节的FIFO [High Performance UART with 128 byte FIFOs]
分类和应用: 先进先出芯片
文件页数/大小: 49 页 / 436 K
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OX16C950 rev B  
ACR[1]: Transmitter disable  
ACR[5]: 950 mode trigger levels enable  
logic 0 The transmitter is enabled, transmitting any  
data in the THR.  
logic 1 The transmitter is disabled. Any data in the  
THR is not transmitted but is held. However,  
in-band flow control characters may still be  
logic 0 ⇒  
Interrupts and flow control trigger levels are  
as described in FCR register and are  
compatible with 16C650/16C750 modes.  
16C950 specific enhanced interrupt and flow  
control trigger levels defined by RTL, TTL,  
FCL and FCH are enabled.  
logic 1 ⇒  
Changes to this bit will only be recognised following the  
completion of any data transmission pending.  
ACR[6]: ICR read enable  
logic 0 ⇒  
logic 1 ⇒  
The Line Status Register is readable.  
The Indexed Control Registers are readable.  
ACR[2]: Enable automatic DSR flow control  
logic 0 Normal. The state of the DSR# line does not  
affect the flow control.  
logic 1 Data transmission is prevented whenever the  
DSR# pin is held inactive high.  
Setting this bit will map the ICR set to the LSR location for  
reads. During normal operation this bit should be cleared.  
ACR[7]: Additional status enable  
This bit provides another automatic out-of-band flow control  
facility using the DSR# line.  
logic 0 ⇒  
Access to the ASR, TFL and RFL registers  
is disabled.  
logic 1 ⇒  
Access to the ASR, TFL and RFL registers  
is enabled.  
ACR[4:3]: DTR# line configuration  
When bits 4 or 5 of CKS (offset 0x03 of ICR) are set, the  
transmitter 1x clock or the output of the baud rate  
generator (Nx clock) are asserted on the DTR# pin,  
otherwise the DTR# pin is defined as follows:  
When ACR[7] is set, the MCR and LCR registers are no  
longer readable but remain writable, and the TFL and RFL  
registers replace them in the memory map for read  
operations. The IER register is replaced by the ASR  
register for all operations. The software driver may leave  
this bit set during normal operation, since MCR, LCR and  
IER do not generally need to be read.  
logic [00] DTR# is compatible with 16C450, 16C550,  
16C650 and 16C750 (i.e. normal).  
logic [01] DTR# pin is used for out-of-band flow  
control. It will be forced inactive high if the  
Receiver FIFO Level (‘RFL’) reaches the  
upper flow control threshold. DTR# line will  
be re-activated when the RFL drops below  
the lower threshold (see FCL & FCH).  
logic [10] DTR# pin is configured to drive the active  
low enable pin of an external RS485 buffer.  
In this configuration the DTR# pin will be  
forced low whenever the transmitter is not  
empty (LSR[6]=0), otherwise DTR# pin is  
logic [11] DTR# pin is configured to drive the active-  
high enable pin of an external RS485 buffer.  
In this configuration, the DTR# pin will be  
forced high whenever the transmitter is not  
empty (LSR[6]=0), otherwise DTR# pin is  
If the user sets ACR[4], then the DTR# line is controlled by  
the status of the transmitter empty bit of LCR. When  
ACR[4] is set, ACR[3] is used to select active high or active  
low enable signals. In half-duplex systems using RS485  
protocol, this facility enables the DTR# line to directly  
control the enable signal of external 3-state line driver  
buffers. When the transmitter is empty the DTR# would go  
inactive once the SOUT line returns to it’s idle marking  
Data Sheet Revision 1.2  
Page 35  