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IC-JXMQFP52 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 16倍, 24 V与μC接口高侧驱动器 [16-FOLD 24 V HIGH-SIDE DRIVER WITH μC INTERFACE]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 36 页 / 603 K
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Rev C1, Page 35/36  
Via SECLK(1:0) in control word 3B the clocked filtering Forced shutdown of output stages  
for the I/O signals and overcurrent messaging can also The output stages can be forcibly shutdown at input  
be deactivated. The same behavior can be obtained by POE. A ’1’ enables logic access to the drivers; a  
setting BYP0, BYP1, BYP2 and BYP3 in control word ’0’ disables this. This function allows a processor-  
1 (addresses 0x14 and 0x15) together with BYPSCF independent watchdog to lock the outputs in the event  
in control word 4 (address 0x1A); all filters are avoided of error, for example. An integrated pull-down resistor  
by way of a bypass circuit. Here it must be noted that increases safety.  
interferences in the line can lead to the unwanted dis-  
play of interrupts.  
DESIGN REVIEW: Notes On Chip Functions  
iC-JX X2 (and previous)  
No. Function, Parameter/Code  
Description and Application Hints  
Leakage current beyond operating conditions (Elec- During operation, supply voltages VCC, VDD and  
trical Characteristics Item No. 019  
VB1..VB4 must already be present and stable  
to avoid elevated leakage currents at pins IOx  
Table 8: Notes on chip functions regarding iC-JX chip version X2 and previous versions  
iC-JX X3  
No. Function, Parameter/Code  
Leakage current beyond operating conditions (Elec- Leakage currents < 200 µA  
trical Characteristics Item No. 019  
Description and Application Hints  
Table 9: Notes on chip functions regarding iC-JX version X3  
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