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IC-JXMQFP52 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 16倍, 24 V与μC接口高侧驱动器 [16-FOLD 24 V HIGH-SIDE DRIVER WITH μC INTERFACE]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 36 页 / 603 K
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Rev C1, Page 33/36  
For the mode "Overall Voltage Measurement at IO" the from CLK or from the internally generated ICLK (via  
voltage at the selected I/O stage is downscaled first by SEBLQ in control word 3B, address 0x1A). Different  
a factor of 1/15 using a resistive voltage divider to per- flash frequencies can be set for all four nibbles.  
mit measurement of the full voltage range from rail to  
rail. The user must be aware of a input current drawn  
by the voltage divider of approimately V(IO)/200k.  
The selection of the I/O stage is done via control word  
5 (Adr. 0x1B).  
Interrupt readings at NINT can be triggered by a  
change of (filtered) input signal, by an overcurrent  
message signaled at an I/O pin (due to a short cir-  
cuit, for example), by undervoltage at VCC or VDD, by  
bursts at VDD, by the end of A/D conversion or by ex-  
ceeding maximum temperature thresholds (2 stages).  
Interrupt outputs for each individual I/O stage can be  
caused by a change of input, or, with stages in output  
mode, by a short circuit. The relevant interrupt enables  
determine which messages are stored and which are  
displayed. The display of interrupt messages caused  
by excessive temperature, A/D conversion, undervolt-  
age or bursts is not maskable; this particular function  
is permanently enabled.  
ADC Measurements: VBy and VBG Measurements  
(Adr. 0x1C)  
The internal reference voltage VBG and the external  
supply voltages VB1 to VB4 can also be measured.  
For VB1 to VB4, the voltage is downscaled first by a  
factor of 1/15. Selection is done via SELES (3:0) in  
control word 5 (Adr. 0x1B) as described in the follow-  
ing table.  
SELES(3:0) VB - Messung  
When an event occurs which is enabled to produce an  
interrupt message pin NINT is set to 0 when a parallel  
interface is used. If the device is being operated with  
a serial interface outputs D1/SOC or D2/SOB are set  
to 0 when an interrupt occurs if no communication is  
made via the interface itself and pin A4 ist set to ’1’ .  
By reading out the interrupt status register (addresses  
0x04 and 0x05) the nature of the message can be de-  
termined and the I/O stage causing the interrupt lo-  
cated. Thus with a change-of-input message the prob-  
lematic I/O stage is shown in the corresponding regis-  
ter (addresses 0x02 and 0x03); with an overcurrent in-  
terrupt the overcurrent status register (addresses 0x06  
and 0x07) pinpoints the I/O stage with a short circuit.  
Interrupts are deleted by simply setting EOI in control  
word 4 (address 0x1A). This bit then automatically re-  
sets to 0. If during operation the I/O mode is switched,  
i.e. from input to output mode, all interrupt messages  
are deleted via EOI.  
To avoid interrupt messages caused by other sources  
in the time between the readout of a status register and  
the deletion of the current interrupt being overlooked  
successive interrupts are stored in a pipeline. If suc-  
cessive interrupts occur outputs NINT resp. D1/SOC  
or D2/SOB remain at 0 after the present interrupt has  
been deleted using EOI. The new interrupt source is  
displayed in the interrupt status register and in the spe-  
cific status registers.  
0x0 .. 0x3  
0x4 .. 0x7  
0x8 .. 0xB  
0xC .. 0xF  
ADC Measurements: Temperature Measurement  
(Adr. 0x1C)  
In this feature the internal chip temperature can be de-  
ADC Measurements: External Vref (Adr. 0x1C)  
To improve accuracy of the A/D conversion, an exter-  
nal reference voltage at pin VREF can be used by set-  
ting the bit SVREF to ’0b1’. The value of the external  
voltage reference should be about 2.5V ±0.2%.  
ADC Measurements: Output  
A 10 bit digital value as a result of A/D convertion is  
available for output currents and output voltages at a  
selected I/O stage, for chip temperature and supply  
voltages Vby and the internal bandgap voltage VBG.  
Except for the current measurement, the internal volt-  
age V(VREFAD) (for Bit SVREF = ’0’) or an external  
voltage at pin Vref (for Bit SVREF = ’1’) are used as  
reference. The end of A/D conversion is signalled by a  
low signal ’0’ at NINT resp. D1/SOC or D2/SOB.  
Output register (Adr. 0x0C und 0x0D):  
Switches the various output stages on and off (for  
POE = 1).  
Overcurrent messages  
If an overload occurs at one of the outputs the current  
in IOx is limited. In this instance an interrupt message  
is triggered, providing relevant interrupt enables have  
been set for overcurrent messages (addresses 0x12  
Flash pulse enable (addresses 0x0E und 0x0F):  
Enables flash mode  
This function enables each of the various output stages and 0x13) and the filter time set with control word 4  
to be set to flash mode, providing the value of the cor- (address 0x1A) has elapsed. ISCI is then set in the  
responding output register is 1. The flash frequency is interrupt status register (address 0x04) and the rele-  
derived from BLFQ or, alternatively, can be generated vant bit for the I/O stage causing the problem is set  