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IC-JXMQFP52 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 16倍, 24 V与μC接口高侧驱动器 [16-FOLD 24 V HIGH-SIDE DRIVER WITH μC INTERFACE]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 36 页 / 603 K
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Rev C1, Page 32/36  
RSET settings  
pull-up or pull down.  
iC-JX can either generate an internal reference current  
or permit external current settings via pin RSET. Set-  
ting the current externally is the more precise option  
here; to this end it is recommended that pin RSET be  
linked up to a 10 kresistor connected to ground..  
ADC measurements  
ADC measurements: measuring current (Adr.  
In this mode the current in each output stage can be  
measured. Here, the saturation voltage from an inter-  
nal reference transistor is used for comparison. Each  
I/O stages in input mode funktion  
Input registers (add. 0x00 and 0x01: reading the in- output stage has its own reference transistor in order  
puts to guarantee a precise value. The reference voltage is  
A high at IOx generates a high signal at bit INx. Any equivalent to the saturation voltage of the output stage  
change to an input signal is accepted via digital filter- transistor with a nominal current of 150 mA; the output  
ing only after the selected filter time has expired. Here, digital value thus corresponds to the current intensity  
the input comparator of each I/O stage reverses the in the output stage.  
count direction of a 3-bit counter. The counter output  
changes only when the final status has been reached.  
The counters are reset to a value of 3 by a low signal  
at reset input NRES. The counter is clocked externally  
by pin CLK or by clock ICLK, generated internally.  
To evaluate current variations in the output stage the  
controller must perform an initial measurement with a  
known reference current. Based on this value a moni-  
toring of the load current can then be performed. The  
output stage thereby is selected via SELES(3:0) in  
The scaling factor for the clock frequency and the in- control word 5 (Adr. 0x1B).  
put filter bypass can be programmed separately for all  
four nibbles (see control word 1, addresses 0x14 and  
0x15). Switching the bypass (BYP1...4) permits oper-  
ation without an external clock signal (see below).  
ADC measurements: measuring voltage (Adr.  
iC-JX enables voltage at the I/O stage to be recorded.  
The range for voltage measured at the output stage  
Once the change-of-input message has been enabled lies between VB - 5 V and VB (bit EME = 1) and be-  
in the change-of-input interrupt enable register (ad- tween VB - 0.6 V and VB (EME = 0). When measuring  
dresses 0x10 and 0x11) a change of level at one of in conjunction with pull-up current sources the range  
the I/O pins is signaled to the microcontroller. If iC- lies between 0 V and 5 V (EME = 1) and between 0 V  
JX is operated at the parallel interface the level at pin and 0.6 V (EME = 0).  
NINT is set to 0. If the device is operated at the serial  
interface a change of level is indicated by a 0 at pin  
SO(D1) resp SOB (D2), depending upon configuration  
(see SPI interfacd, page 26). The microcontroller can  
36V max.  
determine which I/O stage has had a change of input  
by reading out the input register.  
I/O stages in output mode  
Input registers (addresses 0x00 and 0x01): reading  
the output feedback  
A high at IOx generates a high signal at INx. This al-  
lows the microcontroller to make a direct check of the  
switching state and, with the help of the programmable  
high-side current sources of 200 µA, 600 µA and 2 mA,  
to monitor the channel for any cable fractures. As  
with the reading of inputs the feedback signals can be  
output in their filtered or unfiltered state. The micro-  
controller can determine which I/O stage has had a  
change of input by reading out the input register.  
Figure 15: ADC measurement ranges  
The iC-JX measures voltages at the I/O stages in dif-  
ferent ranges. The range "Voltage Measurement High  
at IO" is between VB – 5 V and VB (Bit EME = 1)  
Programmable Current Sources  
(Adr. 0x16 und 0x17)  
The programmable pull-up- resp. pull-down current resp. between VB – 0.6 V and VB (EME = 0). In the  
sources can be set independently of the I/O mode (ei- mode "Voltage Measurement Low at IO" the range is  
ther input or output mode). In both modes current val- between 0 and 5 V (Bit EME = 1) resp. between 0 and  
ues of 200 µA, 600 µA or 2 mA are available either as 0.6 V and VB (EME = 0).  