Memory Map Control (S12PMMCV1)
The S12PMMC connects the CPU12’s and the S12SBDM’s bus interfaces to the MCU’s on-chip
ressources (memories and peripherals). It arbitrates the bus accesses and detemines all of the MCU’s
memory maps. Furthermore, the S12PMMC is responsible for constraining memory accesses on secured
devices and for selecting the MCU’s functional mode.
The main features of this block are:
Paging capability to support a global 256 KByte memory address space
Bus arbitration between the masters CPU12, S12SBDM to different resources.
MCU operation mode control
MCU security control
Separate memory map schemes for each master CPU12, S12SBDM
Generation of system reset when CPU12 accesses an unimplemented address (i.e., an address
which does not belong to any of the on-chip modules) in single-chip modes
Modes of Operation
The S12PMMC selects the MCU’s functional mode. It also determines the devices behavior in secured and
unsecured state.
Functional Modes
Two funtional modes are implementes on devices of the S12I product family:
Normal Single Chip (NS)
The mode used for running applications.
Special Single Chip Mode (SS)
A debug mode which causes the device to enter BDM Active Mode after each reset. Peripherals
may also provide special debug features in this mode.
S12I devives can be secured to prohibit external access to the on-chip P-Flash. The S12PMMC module
determines the access permissions to the on-chip memories in secured and unsecured state.
Block Diagram
Figure 3-1 shows a block diagram of the S12PMMC.
S12P-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.13
Freescale Semiconductor