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A3525BC21O22TRA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A3525BC21O22TRA
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内容描述: 先进的音频处理器系统 [Advanced Audio Processor System]
文件页数/大小: 194 页 / 3286 K
品牌: AMSCO [ AMS(艾迈斯) ]
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AS3525-A/-B C22O22  
Data Sheet, Confidential  
For the relationship of the clocks following constraints must be met:  
LRCK must change with the falling edge of MCLK while MCLK is low (constrained should be set to 40 % of the MCLK period, see figure  
SDATA must change at the falling edge of SCLK. It will be read with the rising edge of SCLK.  
Figure 30 Clock constraints  
Lrck must change with falling edge,  
within 40 % of MCLK period  
Sampling of I2S data by Cello IF with rising edge of SCLK  
L14 R15 R14  
L15 Power Modes  
The I2SOUTIF contains two clock domains. Each clock domain can be turned off separately. The I2SO_MCLK must be turned off in the global  
clock controller register. This is necessary, as the audio chip requires I2SO_MCLK and I2SO_SCLK not only for I2S output, but also I2S input (see  
PCLK Idle Mode  
If the PCLK is turned off (by the clock controller) the I2SOUT_STATUS register can hold invalid data. However, no interrupt should be triggered if  
the I2SOUTIF is in idle mode.  
I2SO_MCLK Idle Mode  
If I2SO_MCLK is disabled (by the clock controller) no audio samples are read from the FIFO. The output signals remain unchanged until the  
I2SO_MCLK is enabled again. Loopback Feature  
On the AS3525 are two I2S interfaces:  
I2SOUTIF is responsible to send values to the DAC of the audio chip via I2SO_SDATA  
I2SINIF is responsible to receive audio values from ADC of the audio chip via I2SI_SDATA  
In the AS3525 both SDATA signals are provided as loopback signals (I2SO_FSDATA, I2SI_FSDATA):  
I2SO_SDATA to I2SINIF: This loopback is mainly for testing the transmission and reception paths of both I2S interfaces.  
The loopback signal is called I2SO_FSDATA.  
I2SI_SDATA to I2SOUTIF: This loopback feature allows the application to echo the input audio samples directly to a  
loudspeaker. The signal provided by the I2SINIF is called I2SI_FSDATA.  
In normal mode the I2SOUTIF generates the I2SO_SDATA signal based on the contents of the FIFO. If the loop back feature is enabled, the  
SDATA_LB bit in the I2SOUT_CONTROL register must be set.  
NOTE: This feature will only be available if SCLK is the same for I2S input and output interface. For implementation the I2SI_FSDATA signal is  
simply routed through a multiplexer to the I2SO_SDATA interface.  
© 2005-2009, austriamicrosystems AG, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. All Rights Reserved.  
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