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A3525BC21O22TRA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A3525BC21O22TRA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 先进的音频处理器系统 [Advanced Audio Processor System]
文件页数/大小: 194 页 / 3286 K
品牌: AMSCO [ AMS(艾迈斯) ]
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AS3525-A/-B C22O22  
Data Sheet, Confidential Functional description  
Communication with the Memory Stick  
The communication protocol with the Memory Stick is started by write from the CPU to the command register. When the protocol finishes, the CPU  
is notified that the protocol has ended by an interrupt request.  
Data transfer request  
When the protocol is started and enters the data transfer state, data is requested by issuing a DMA transfer request or an interrupt request to the  
CPU. Data can also be requested to an external memory.  
Memory Stick communication time out  
The RDY time out time when the handshake state (read protocol: BS2, write protocol: BS3) is established in communication with the Memory Stick  
can be designated as the number of Memory Stick transfer clocks. When a time out occurs, the CPU is notified that the protocol has ended due to a  
time out error by an interrupt request.  
CRC off  
CRC off can be set as a test mode.  
When CRC off is set, CRC is not added to the data transmitted to the Memory Stick.  
PAD cells  
The connections to the MemoryStick Interface are shared with the General Purpose I/O port-D (GPIO xpd[0:7]).  
Figure 15 external memory stick connection  
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