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ACT88430QJ101-T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACT88430QJ101-T
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内容描述: [Advanced PMU for Microcontrollers and Solid State Drive Applications]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第34页  
Rev 1.0, 24-Oct-2018  
bit GPIO_OUT = 0 to configure GPIO as an input. When  
using GPIO as an output, GPIO_OUT = 0 configures it  
as an open drain output, and GPIO_OUT = 1 configures  
it as a logic low output. When used as either an input  
or an output, I2C bit GPIO_STAT always provides the  
real-time status of the GPIO pin. GPIO_STAT = 0 when  
GPIO pin is a logic 0. GPIO_STAT = 1 when GPIO pin  
is a logic 1.  
the internal POK signals they immediately assert. They  
follow a programmed delay when de-asserted. The  
nRESET_AUX1 delay time is controlled by the I2C bits  
RST_AUX1_DLY[2:0], which programs the delay be-  
tween 400us and 2mS in 227us steps. The nRE-  
SET_AUX2 delay time is controlled by the I2C bits  
RST_AUX2_DLY[2:0], which programs the delay be-  
tween 200us and 1ms in 114us steps. These pins can  
also be used as inputs to control different power rail en-  
able signals. They are configurable, so refer to the back  
of the datasheet for their specific functionality for each  
CMI. Contact the factory for available options. They are  
open drain outputs and are 5.5V tolerant meaning that  
they can be pulled up to 5.5V even if VIO_IN is less than  
GPIO pin is referenced to the VIN pin, and is 5.5V toler-  
ant meaning that GPIO can go to 5.5V even if VIN is  
less than 5.5V.  
The IRQ pin is an output that issues an interrupt to the  
host CPU/Controller when an ACT88430 fault or warn-  
ing condition occurs.  
IRQ is triggered by:  
nRESET issues the main reset to the CPU/controller.  
nRESET is immediately asserted low when either the  
VIN voltage is above or below the UV or OV thresholds  
or any valid output supply voltage is below its Power  
Good (POK) threshold. After startup, nRESET de-as-  
serts after a programmable delay time after all outputs  
are above their respective UVLO thresholds. The nRE-  
SET delay time is controlled by the I2C bits  
nRST_DLY[2:0], which programs the delay between  
200us and 1ms in 114us steps. nRESET is configura-  
ble, so refer to the CMI Options section in the back of  
the datasheet for its specific functionality for each CMI.  
nRESET is an open drain output and is 5.5V tolerant  
meaning that nRESET can be pulled up to 5.5V even if  
VIO_IN is less than 5.5V.  
Die temperature exceeding Thermal Interrupt Threshold  
of 135C.  
Any buck regulator reaching peak current limit, ILIMSET,  
for 16 cycles after softstart.  
Any LDO regulator reaching current limit, LDOx_ILIM,  
for more than 16us after softstart.  
BUCK1 PMOS switch exceeding Current Detection  
threshold 75% of ILIMSET when system is configured  
in bypass mode.  
IRQ is masked by the I2C register 0x00h bit2  
(IRQ_nMASK) by default to mask all IRQ conditions. To  
enable IRQ functionality, set IRQ_nMASK = 1. IRQ is  
an active-low open drain 5.5V compatible output.  
EXT_EN is used to control an external regulator or to  
provide a control signal to other system components.  
When the MODE pin = 0 to configure Buck1 as a stand-  
ard power supply, EXT_EN is the output of the  
ACT88430’s internal BUCK1 enable signal. When the  
MODE pin = 1 to configure Buck1 as a bypass switch,  
EXT_EN is the output of the bypass switch enable sig-  
POK indicates that the voltage on the VIN pin is inside  
the POK UV and OV Interrupt Thresholds. If the VIN  
voltage is above or below these values, POK pulls low  
to interrupt the host CPU/Controller. POK is masked by  
the I2C bit POK_nMASK by default. To enable POK  
functionality, set I2C bit POK_nMASK = 1. I2C bits  
POK_OV and POK_UV provide real-time UV and OV  
status, even when POK is masked. The POK UV and  
OV threshold are configurable via the I2C bits  
The I2C bit EXT_EN_POL controls the EXT_EN polarity.  
EXT_EN is active high when EXT_EN_POL is low and  
EXT_EN is active low when EXT_EN_POL is high.  
EXT_EN is a push-pull CMOS output using VIO_IN sup-  
ply. Note that the EXT_EN output is enabled and valid  
in all modes of operation. EXT_EN is configurable, so  
refer to the CMI Options section in the back of the  
datasheet for its specific functionality for each CMI.  
POK is an open drain output and is 5.5V tolerant mean-  
ing that POK can be pulled up to 5.5V even if VIO_IN is  
less than 5.5V.  
nRESET_AUX1 and nRESET_AUX2 pins can be used  
to signal that the IC is in the SLEEP state or that the  
input voltage is above or below the UV or OV threshold.  
They can also be tied to one or a combination of the  
power supply’s internal POK signals. When asserted by  
EXT_EN is referenced to the VIO_IN pin. It should not  
be pulled higher than VIO_IN.  
Innovative PowerTM  
Copyright © 2016-2018 Active-Semi, Inc.  
ActiveSwitcherTM is a trademark of Active-Semi.  
I2CTM is a trademark of NXP  