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ACT88430QJ101-T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACT88430QJ101-T
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内容描述: [Advanced PMU for Microcontrollers and Solid State Drive Applications]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1108 K
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Rev 1.0, 24-Oct-2018  
enters the valid range. The IC transitions from any other  
state to RESET if the input voltage drops below the  
UVLO threshold voltage.  
returns back to the OVUVFLT state. The cycle contin-  
ues until the OV or UV fault is removed or the input  
power is removed. This state can be disabled by setting  
the OV_nMASK or UV_nMASK non-volatile bits low.  
The IC does not directly enter OVUVFLT in an overcur-  
rent condition, but does enter this state due to the re-  
sulting UV condition.  
ACTIVE State  
The ACTIVE state is the normal operating state when  
the input voltage is within the allowable range, all out-  
puts are turned on, and no faults are present. When en-  
tering the ACTIVE state from the RESET state, all reg-  
ulators are powered on following their programmed  
power up sequence. The regulators are not sequenced  
when entering ACTIVE from SLEEP.  
SLEEP State  
The SLEEP state is a low power mode for the operating  
system. Each output can be programmed to be on or off  
in the SLEEP state. The outputs do not follow any se-  
quencing when turning on or off as they enter or exit the  
SLEEP state. They do turn on with their programmed  
softstart time. Buck1/2/3/4 can be programmed to regu-  
late to their VSET0 voltage, VSET1 voltage, or be  
turned off in the SLEEP state. LDO1/2/3 can be pro-  
grammed to regulate to their VSET0 voltage or can be  
programmed to be turned off. Note that LDO1/2/3 do not  
have a VSET1 voltage.  
The IC can enter SLEEP via a hardware input pin or an  
I2C command. The hardware input is typically the  
PWREN pin, but this can be reconfigured to other pins.  
To enable SLEEP via I2C, program the following:  
Figure 3. State Machine  
Set register 0x08h bit1 (PWR_DN_MODE) = 1  
Set register 0x00h bit0 (PWR_DN_EN) = 1  
The ACT88430 provides the end user with extremely  
versatile sequencing capability that can be optimized for  
many different applications. Each of the seven outputs  
has four basic sequencing parameters: input trigger,  
turn-on delay, softstart time, and output voltage. Each  
of these parameters is controlled via the ICs internal  
registers. Contact sales@active-semi.com for custom  
sequencing configurations. Refer to the Active-Semi  
Application Note describing the Register Map for full de-  
tails on I2C functionality and programming ranges.  
To enter SLEEP, program register 0x01h bit1  
(SLP_ENTR) = 1.  
I2C is disabled in SLEEP mode, to the only way to exit  
SLEEP mode is to toggle the PWREN pin.  
In the THERMAL state the chip has exceeded the ther-  
mal shutdown temperature. To protect the device, all  
the regulators are shut down and all three nRESETx  
pins are asserted low. This state can be disabled by set-  
ting register 0x0Ah bit4 (TSD_nMASK) = 0. Note that  
thermal shutdown fault flag, TSD_SHUTDWN, still pro-  
vides the thermal status even TSD_nMASK = 0.  
Input trigger. The input trigger for a regulator is the  
event that turns that regulator on. Each output can have  
a separate input trigger. The input trigger can be the in-  
ternal power ok (POK) signal from one of the other reg-  
ulators, the internal VIN POK signal, or an external sig-  
nal applied to an input pin such as EXT_PG or GPIO.  
This flexibility allows a wide range of sequencing possi-  
bilities, including have some of the outputs be se-  
quenced with another external power supply or a control  
signal from the host. As an example, if the LDO1 input  
trigger is Buck1, LDO1 will not turn on until Buck1 is in  
regulation. Input triggers are defined at the factory and  
can only be changed with a custom CMI configuration.  
The nRESETx, POK, PG, and EXT_EN outputs can be  
In the OVUVFLT state one of the regulators has exceed  
an OV level at any time or UV level after the soft start  
ramp has completed. All regulators shutdown and all  
three nRESETx outputs are asserted low when the IC  
enters OVUVFLT state. The OVUVFLT state is timed to  
retry after 100ms and enter the ACTIVE state. If the OV  
or UV condition still exists in the ACTIVE state the IC  
Innovative PowerTM  
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ActiveSwitcherTM is a trademark of Active-Semi.  
I2CTM is a trademark of NXP  