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ACT88430QJ101-T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACT88430QJ101-T
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内容描述: [Advanced PMU for Microcontrollers and Solid State Drive Applications]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第23页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第24页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第30页  
Rev 1.0, 24-Oct-2018  
a pullup resistor. Signals on these pins must meet tim-  
ing requirements in the Electrical Characteristics Table.  
Table 1: ACT88430 I2C Addresses  
The ACT88430 is a single-chip integrated power man-  
agement solution designed to power many processors.  
It integrates four highly efficient buck regulators, three  
LDOs, and an integrated load bypass switch. Its high  
integration and high switching frequency result in an ex-  
tremely small footprint and lost power solution. It con-  
tains a master controller that manages startup sequenc-  
ing, timing, voltages, slew rates, sleep states, and fault  
conditions. I2C configurability allows system level  
changes without the need for costly PCB changes. The  
built-in load bypass switch enables full sequencing con-  
figurability in 3.3V systems.  
7-Bit Slave Address  
8-Bit Write  
8-Bit Read  
101 0011b  
101 0101b  
101 1010b  
101 1011b  
I2C Registers  
The ACT88430 has an array of internal registers that  
contain the IC’s basic instructions for setting up the IC  
configuration, output voltages, switching frequency,  
fault thresholds, fault masks, etc. These registers give  
the IC its operating flexibility. The two types of registers  
are described below.  
The ACT88430 master controller monitors all outputs  
and reports faults via I2C and hardwired status signals.  
Faults can masked and fault levels and responses are  
configurable via I2C.  
Basic Volatile – These are R/W (Read and Write) and  
RO (Read only). After the IC is powered, the user can  
modify the R/W register values to change IC functional-  
ity. Changes in functionality include things like masking  
certain faults. The RO registers communicate IC status  
such as fault conditions. Any changes to these registers  
are lost when power is recycled. The default values are  
fixed and cannot be changed by the factory or the end  
Many of the ACT88430 pins and functions are configu-  
rable. The IC’s default functionality is defined by the de-  
fault CMI (Code Matrix Index), but much of this function-  
ality can be changed via I2C. The first part of the  
datasheet describes basic IC functionality and default  
pin functions. The end of the datasheet provides the  
configuration and functionality specific to each CMI ver-  
sion. Contact sales@active-semi.com for additional in-  
formation about other configurations.  
Basic Non-Volatile – These are R/W and RO. After the  
IC is powered, the user can modify the R/W register val-  
ues to change IC functionality. Changes in functionality  
include things like output voltage settings, startup delay  
time, and current limit thresholds. Any changes to these  
registers are lost when power is recycled. The default  
values can be modified at the factory to optimize IC  
functionality for specific applications. Please consult  
sales@active-semi.com for custom options and mini-  
mum order quantities.  
I2C Serial Interface  
To ensure compatibility with a wide range of systems,  
the ACT88430 uses standard I2C commands. The  
ACT88430 always operates as a slave device, and is  
addressed using a 7-bit slave address followed by an  
eighth bit, which indicates whether the transaction is a  
read-operation or a write-operation. As an example, the  
7-bit slave address 0x5Ah follows the format 1011010x  
where “x” is a 0 for write operation and 1 for a read op-  
eration. This results in 0xB4h for write operations and  
0xB5h for read operations. Refer to each specific CMI  
for the IC’s slave address  
When modifying only certain bits within a register, take  
care to not inadvertently change other bits. Inadvert-  
ently changing register contents can lead to unexpected  
device behavior.  
There is no timeout function in the I2C packet pro-  
cessing state machine, however, any time the I2C state  
machine receives a start bit command, it immediately  
resets the packet processing, even if it is in the middle  
of a valid packet.  
State Machine  
The ACT88430 contains an internal state machine with  
five internal states.  
RESET State  
In the RESET, or “cold” state, the ACT88430 is waiting  
for the input voltage on VIN to be within a valid range  
defined by I2C bits POK_OV_SET and POK_UV_SET.  
All regulators are off in RESET. nRESET, nRE-  
SET_AUX1, and nRESET_AUX2 are asserted low. All  
volatile registers are reset to defaults and Non-Volatile  
registers are reset to programmed defaults. The IC tran-  
sitions from RESET to ACTIVE when the input voltage  
The ACT88430 holds the I2C state machine in reset dur-  
ing the RESET, Idle, OVUVFLT, and THERMAL states  
to avoid a corruption of registers when the voltage reg-  
ulators are out of spec.  
I2C commands are communicated using the SCL and  
SDA pins. SCL is the I2C serial clock input. SDA is the  
data input and output. SDA is open drain and must have  
Innovative PowerTM  
Copyright © 2016-2018 Active-Semi, Inc.  
ActiveSwitcherTM is a trademark of Active-Semi.  
I2CTM is a trademark of NXP  