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ACT88430QJ101-T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACT88430QJ101-T
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内容描述: [Advanced PMU for Microcontrollers and Solid State Drive Applications]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第33页  
Rev 1.0, 24-Oct-2018  
specific CMI. The next level is when the current in-  
creases to the Cycle-by-Cycle threshold. The buck con-  
verter limits the peak switch current in each switching  
cycle. This reduces the effective duty cycle and causes  
the output voltage to drop, potentially creating an un-  
dervoltage condition. When the overcurrent condition  
results in an UV condition, and UV is not masked, the  
IC turns off all supplies off for 100ms and restarts. The  
third level is when the peak switch current reaches 120%  
of the Cycle-by-Cycle current limit threshold. This im-  
mediately shuts down the regulator and waits 14ms be-  
fore restarting.  
PWREN is referenced to the VIO_IN pin, and is 5.5V  
tolerant meaning that PWREN can go to 5.5V even if  
VIO_IN is less than 5.5V. PWREN has a 10us bidirec-  
tional filter to prevent noise from triggering unwanted  
The EXT_PG pin is a dual purpose input. Note that  
EXT_PG can only be configured as an input. It functions  
as either a power good input from an external supply or  
a dynamic voltage scaling control input. Configure  
EXT_PG as a power good input by setting I2C bit  
DVS_EN = 0. When configured as a power good input,  
EXT_PG can be used as an input to the nRESETx pins.  
EXT_PG polarity is controlled by the EXT_PG_POL bit.  
EXT_PG is active high when EXT_PG_POL = 0 and ac-  
tive low when EXT_PG_POL = 1.  
For LDOs, the overcurrent thresholds are set by each  
LDO’s Output Current Limit setting. When the output  
current reaches the Current Limit threshold, the LDO  
limits the output current. This reduces the output volt-  
age, creating an undervoltage condition, causing all  
supplies to turn off for 100ms before restarting.  
Configure EXT_PG as a dynamic voltage scaling (DVS)  
control input by setting I2C bit DVS_EN = 1. When  
EXT_PG is de-asserted, all buck regulators regulate to  
their VSET0 voltage. When EXT_PG is asserted, the  
buck regulators regulate to their VSET1 voltage. Note  
that EXT_PG input is only valid for DVS toggling when  
the IC is in the ACTIVE state of operation. I2C bit  
EXT_PG_POL has no effect in DVS Mode.  
The overcurrent fault limits for each output are adjusta-  
ble via I2C. Overcurrent fault reporting can be masked  
via I2C, but the overcurrent limits are always active and  
will shut down the IC when exceeded.  
Thermal Warning and Thermal Shutdown  
The ACT88430 monitors its internal die temperature  
and reports a warning via IRQ when the temperature  
rises above the Thermal Interrupt Threshold of typically  
135 deg C. It reports a fault when the temperature rises  
above the Thermal Shutdown Temperature of typically  
165 deg C. A temperature fault shuts down all outputs  
unless the fault is masked. Both the fault and the warn-  
ing can be masked via I2C. The temperature warning  
and fault flags still provide real-time status even if the  
faults are masked. Masking just prevents the faults from  
being reported via the IRQ pin.  
EXT_PG is referenced to the VIN pin, and should not be  
pulled above VIN. The EXT_PG input has a 10us bidi-  
rectional filter to prevent noise from triggering unwanted  
VIO_IN is the input bias supply for the IC. Apply an input  
voltage between 1.62V and 5.5V. Bypass to AGND with  
a high quality, 1uF ceramic capacitor.  
Pin Descriptions  
Setting MODE = 0 configures Buck1 as a standard inte-  
grated buck regulator. Setting MODE = 1 configures  
Buck1 as an integrated bypass switch. Buck1 can only  
operate as a bypass switch when VIN=3.3V. In bypass  
mode, the Buck1 P-ch power FET is used to sequence  
the 3.3V supply to the downstream load. This provides  
full sequencing flexibility for 3.3V systems by allowing  
the 3.3V input to be used as the input supply for the  
other regulators but still be sequenced in any order for  
the downstream loads. Bypass mode is only valid for a  
3.3V input voltage. The MODE pin must be tied directly  
to VIN or AGND. I2C bit MODE_STAT shows the status  
of the MODE pin when it was read at startup.  
The ACT88430 input and output pins are configurable  
via CMI configurations. The following descriptions are  
refer to the most common pin functions. Refer to the  
CMI Options section in the back of the datasheet for  
specific pin functionality for each CMI.  
The PWREN pin controls the IC’s SLEEP state. When  
I2C bit PWREN_MODE = 0, the PWREN pin moves the  
IC between the SLEEP and ACTIVE states.  
PWREN must be enabled via the PWRDN_EN I2C bit  
after power up. PWREN is ignored if the PWRDN_EN  
bit is low. The PWREN polarity is controlled by the  
PWREN_POL I2C bit. PWREN is active low when  
PWREN_POL is high, and active high when  
PWREN_POL is low. The host processor can read the  
PWREN status via I2C in the PWREN_STAT I2C bit.  
The GPIO pin can be configured as a digital input or an  
open drain output. It has multiple uses, including a se-  
quencing input, sequencing output, status output, or  
control input to toggle a supply’s output voltage. Set I2C  
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ActiveSwitcherTM is a trademark of Active-Semi.  
I2CTM is a trademark of NXP  