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ACT88430QJ101-T 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ACT88430QJ101-T
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内容描述: [Advanced PMU for Microcontrollers and Solid State Drive Applications]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第24页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第31页浏览型号ACT88430QJ101-T的Datasheet PDF文件第32页  
Rev 1.0, 24-Oct-2018  
connected to a power supply’s internal POK signal and  
used to trigger external supplies in the overall sequenc-  
ing scheme.  
Fault Protection  
The ACT88430 contains several levels of fault protec-  
tion, including the following:  
Turn-on Delay. The turn-on delay is the time between  
an input trigger going active and the output starting to  
turn on. Each output’s turn-on delay is configured via its  
I2C bit ONDLY. Turn-on delays can be changed after  
the IC is powered on, but they are volatile and reset to  
the factory defaults when power is recycled.  
Output Overvoltage  
Output Undervoltage  
Output Current Limit  
Thermal Warning  
Thermal Shutdown  
Softstart Time. The softstart time is the time it takes an  
output to ramp from 0V to its programmed voltage. Each  
output’s softstart time is configured via its I2C bit  
SS_RAMP. Softstart times can be changed after the IC  
is powered on, but they are volatile and reset to the fac-  
tory defaults when power is recycled.  
There are three types of I2C register bits associated with  
each fault condition: fault flag bits, fault bits, and mask  
bits. The fault flag bits display the real-time fault status.  
Their status is valid regardless of whether or not that  
fault is masked. The mask bits either block or allow the  
fault to affect the fault bit. Each potential fault condition  
can be masked via I2C if desired. Any unmasked fault  
condition results in the fault bit going high, which asserts  
the IRQ pin. IRQ is typically active low. The IRQ pin  
only de-asserts after the fault condition is no longer pre-  
sent and the corresponding fault bit is read via I2C. Note  
that masked faults can still be read in the fault flag bit.  
Refer to Active-Semi Application Note describing the  
Register Map for full details on I2C functionality and pro-  
gramming ranges.  
Output Voltage. The output voltage is each regulator’s  
desired voltage. Each buck’s output voltage is pro-  
grammed via its I2C bits Bx_VSET0 and Bx_VSET1.  
The output regulates to Bx_VSET0 in ACTIVE mode.  
They can be programmed to regulate to Bx_VSET1 in  
DVS mode or SLEEP mode. Each output’s voltage can  
be changed after the IC is powered on, but the new set-  
ting is volatile and is reset to the factory defaults when  
power is recycled. Output voltages can be changed on  
the fly. If a large output voltage change is required, it is  
best to make multiple smaller changes. This prevents  
the IC from detecting an instantaneous over or under  
voltage condition because the fault threshold are imme-  
diately changed, but the output takes time to respond.  
Output Under/Over Voltage  
The ACT88430 monitors the output voltages for under  
voltage and over voltage conditions. If one output enters  
an UV/OV fault condition, the IC shuts down all outputs  
for 100ms and restarts with the programmed power up  
sequence. If an output is in current limit, it is possible  
that its voltage can drop below the UV threshold which  
also shuts down all outputs. If that behavior is not de-  
sired, mask the appropriate fault bit. Each output still  
provides its real-time UV/OV fault status via its fault flag,  
even if the fault is masked. Masking an OV/UV fault just  
prevents the fault from being reported via the IRQ pin.  
A UV/OV fault condition pulls the nRESETx pins low.  
Note that nRESETx pins are configurable via CMI set-  
Dynamic Voltage Scaling  
On-the-fly dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) for the four  
buck converters is available via the I2C interface. This  
allows systems to save power by quickly adjusting the  
microprocessor performance level when the workload  
changes. Note that DVS is not a different operating  
state. The IC operates in the ACTIVE state, but just reg-  
ulates the outputs to a different voltage. For fault free  
operation, the user must ensure output load conditions  
plus the current required to charge the output capaci-  
tance during a DVS rising voltage condition does not  
exceed the current limit setting of the regulator. As with  
any power supply, changing an output voltage too fast  
can require a current higher than the current limit setting.  
The user must ensure that the voltage step, slew rate,  
and load current conditions do not result in an instanta-  
neous loading that results in a current limit condition.  
Output Current Limit  
The ACT88430 incorporates a three level overcurrent  
protection scheme for the buck converters and a single  
level scheme for the LDOs. For the buck converters, the  
overcurrent current threshold refers to the peak switch  
current. The first protection level is when a buck con-  
verter’s peak switch current reaches 80% of the Cycle-  
by-Cycle current limit threshold for greater than 16  
switching cycles. Under this condition, the IC reports the  
fault via the appropriate fault flag bit. If the fault is un-  
masked, it asserts the IRQ pin. This may or may not  
turn off that output or other outputs depending on the  
Enter DVS by programming register 0x00h bit1  
(DVS_EN) = 1 and then pulling the EXT_PG pin high.  
Note that some CMI configurations may not require  
DVS_EN = 1 and may use different input pins.  
Innovative PowerTM  
Copyright © 2016-2018 Active-Semi, Inc.  
ActiveSwitcherTM is a trademark of Active-Semi.  
I2CTM is a trademark of NXP  