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XC5202-5VQ100I 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: XC5202-5VQ100I
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内容描述: 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的\n [Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) ]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 73 页 / 583 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
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XC5200 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
Note that in XC5200-Series devices, configuration data is  
not inverted with respect to configuration as it is in XC2000  
and XC3000 families.  
The readback signals are located in the lower-left corner of  
the device.  
Read Abort  
Readback of Express mode bitstreams results in data that  
does not resemble the original bitstream, because the bit-  
stream format differs from other modes.  
When the Read Abort option is selected, a High-to-Low  
transition on RDBK.TRIG terminates the readback opera-  
tion and prepares the logic to accept another trigger.  
XC5200-Series Readback does not use any dedicated  
pins, but uses four internal nets (RDBK.TRIG,  
RDBK.DATA, RDBK.RIP and RDBK.CLK) that can be  
routed to any IOB. To access the internal Readback sig-  
nals, place the READBACK library symbol and attach the  
appropriate pad symbols, as shown in Figure 27.  
After an aborted readback, additional clocks (up to one  
readback clock per configuration frame) may be required to  
re-initialize the control logic. The status of readback is indi-  
cated by the output control net RDBK.RIP. RDBK.RIP is  
High whenever a readback is in progress.  
Clock Select  
After Readback has been initiated by a Low-to-High transi-  
tion on RDBK.TRIG, the RDBK.RIP (Read In Progress)  
output goes High on the next rising edge of RDBK.CLK.  
Subsequent rising edges of this clock shift out Readback  
data on the RDBK.DATA net.  
CCLK is the default clock. However, the user can insert  
another clock on RDBK.CLK. Readback control and data  
are clocked on rising edges of RDBK.CLK. If readback  
must be inhibited for security reasons, the readback control  
nets are simply not connected.  
Readback data does not include the preamble, but starts  
with five dummy bits (all High) followed by the Start bit  
(Low) of the first frame. The first two data bits of the first  
frame are always High.  
Violating the Maximum High and Low Time  
Specification for the Readback Clock  
Each frame ends with four error check bits. They are read  
back as High. The last seven bits of the last frame are also  
read back as High. An additional Start bit (Low) and an  
11-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) signature follow,  
before RDBK.RIP returns Low.  
The readback clock has a maximum High and Low time  
specification. In some cases, this specification cannot be  
met. For example, if a processor is controlling readback,  
an interrupt may force it to stop in the middle of a readback.  
This necessitates stopping the clock, and thus violating the  
The specification is mandatory only on clocking data at the  
end of a frame prior to the next start bit. The transfer mech-  
anism will load the data to a shift register during the last six  
clock cycles of the frame, prior to the start bit of the follow-  
ing frame. This loading process is dynamic, and is the  
source of the maximum High and Low time requirements.  
Figure 27: Readback Schematic Example  
Therefore, the specification only applies to the six clock  
cycles prior to and including any start bit, including the  
clocks before the first start bit in the readback data stream.  
At other times, the frame data is already in the register and  
the register is not dynamic. Thus, it can be shifted out just  
like a regular shift register.  
Readback Options  
Readback options are: Read Capture, Read Abort, and  
Clock Select. They are set with the bitstream generation  
The user must precisely calculate the location of the read-  
back data relative to the frame. The system must keep  
track of the position within a data frame, and disable inter-  
rupts before frame boundaries. Frame lengths and data for-  
mats are listed in Table 11 and Table 12.  
Read Capture  
When the Read Capture option is selected, the readback  
data stream includes sampled values of CLB and IOB sig-  
nals. The rising edge of RDBK.TRIG latches the inverted  
values of the CLB outputs and the IOB output and input sig-  
Note that while the bits describing configuration  
Readback with the XChecker Cable  
(interconnect and function generators) are not inverted, the  
CLB and IOB output signals are inverted.  
The XChecker Universal Download/Readback Cable and  
Logic Probe uses the readback feature for bitstream verifi-  
cation. It can also display selected internal signals on the  
PC or workstation screen, functioning as a low-cost in-cir-  
cuit emulator.  
When the Read Capture option is not selected, the values  
of the capture bits reflect the configuration data originally  
written to those memory locations.  
November 5, 1998 (Version 5.2)  