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Z86E4016VEC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z86E4016VEC
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内容描述: Z8 4K OTP微控制器 [Z8 4K OTP Microcontroller]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器可编程只读存储器时钟
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 452 K
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Z8 4K OTP Microcontroller  
General-Purpose Registers (GPR). These registers are  
undefined after the device is powered up. The registers  
keep their last value after any reset, as long as the reset  
Counter/Timers. There are two 8-bit programmable  
counter/timers (T0 and T1), each driven by its own 6-bit  
programmable prescaler. The T1 prescaler is driven by in-  
ternal or external clock sources; however, the T0 prescaler  
is driven by the internal clock only (Figure 27).  
occurs in the V voltage-specified operating range. The  
register R254 is general-purpose on Z86E30/E31. R254  
and R255 are set to 00H after any reset or STOP-Mode re-  
The 6-bit prescalers can divide the input frequency of the  
clock source by any integer number from 1 to 64. Each  
prescaler drives its counter, which decrements the value  
(1 to 256) that has been loaded into the counter. When the  
counter reaches the end of count, a timer interrupt request,  
IRQ4 (T0) or IRQ5 (T1), is generated.  
RAM Protect. The upper portion of the RAM's address  
spaces 80H to EFH (excluding the control registers) can  
be protected from reading and writing. This option can be  
selected during the EPROM Programming Mode. After this  
option is selected, the user can activate this feature from  
the internal EPROM. D6 of the IMR control register (R251)  
is used to turn off/on the RAM protect by loading a 0 or 1,  
respectively. A 1 in D6 indicates RAM Protect enabled.  
RAM Protect is not available on the Z86E31.  
Stack. The Z86E40 external data memory or the internal  
register file can be used for the stack. The 16-bit Stack  
Pointer (R254-R255) is used for the external stack, which  
can reside anywhere in the data memory for ROMless  
mode, but only from 4096 to 65535 in ROM mode. An 8-bit  
Stack Pointer (R255) is used for the internal stack on the  
Z86E30/E31/E40 that resides within the 236 general-pur-  
pose registers (R4-R239). SPH (R254) can be used as a  
general-purpose register when using internal stack only.  
R254 and R255 are set to 00H after any reset or STOP-  
Mode Recovery.  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  