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Z86E4016VEC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z86E4016VEC
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内容描述: Z8 4K OTP微控制器 [Z8 4K OTP Microcontroller]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器可编程只读存储器时钟
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 452 K
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Z8 4K OTP Microcontroller  
Expanded Register File (ERF). The register file has been  
expanded to allow for additional system control registers,  
mapping of additional peripheral devices and input/output  
ports into the register address area. The Z8 register ad-  
dress space R0 through R15 is implemented as 16 groups  
of 16 registers per group (Figure 26). These register  
groups are known as the Expanded Register File (ERF).  
Register File. The register file consists of three I/O port  
registers, 236/125 general-purpose registers, 15 control  
and status registers, and three system configuration regis-  
ters in the expanded register group. The instructions can  
access registers directly or indirectly through an 8-bit ad-  
dress field. This allows a short 4-bit register address using  
the Register Pointer (Figure 24). In the 4-bit mode, the reg-  
ister file is divided into 16 working register groups, each  
occupying 16 continuous locations. The Register Pointer  
addresses the starting location of the active working-regis-  
ter group.  
The low nibble (D3-D0) of the Register Pointer (RP) select  
the active ERF group, and the high nibble (D7-D4) of reg-  
ister RP select the working register group. Three system  
configuration registers reside in the Expanded Register  
File at bank FH: PCON, SMR, and WDTMR. The rest of  
the Expanded Register is not physically implemented and  
is reserved for future expansion.  
Note: Register Bank E0-EF can only be accessed through  
working register and indirect addressing modes. (This  
bank is available in Z86E30/E40 only.)  
R253 RP  
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0  
Expanded Register Group  
Working Register Group  
Default setting after RESET = 00000000  
Figure 24. Register Pointer Register  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  