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DS312_09 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DS312_09
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内容描述: 的Spartan- 3E FPGA系列:介绍和订购信息 [Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information]
文件页数/大小: 233 页 / 5527 K
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Functional Description  
Table 59: Byte-Wide Peripheral Interface (BPI) Connections (Continued)  
Pin Name  
FPGA Direction  
During Configuration  
After Configuration  
Configuration Clock. Generated Not used in single FPGA  
User I/O. If bitstream  
by FPGA internal oscillator.  
Frequency controlled by  
applications but actively drives. In option Persist=Yes,  
a daisy-chain configuration, drives becomes part of  
ConfigRate bitstream generator  
the CCLK inputs of all other  
SelectMap parallel  
peripheral interface.  
option. If CCLK PCB trace is long or FPGAs in the daisy-chain.  
hasmultipleconnections, terminate  
this output to maintain signal  
integrity. See CCLK Design  
Initialization Indicator. Active  
Active during configuration. If CRC User I/O. If unused in the  
bidirectional I/O Low. Goes Low at start of  
configuration during the  
error detected during  
configuration, FPGA drives  
INIT_B Low.  
application, drive INIT_B  
Initialization memory clearing  
process. Released at the end of  
memory clearing, when the mode  
select pins are sampled. In  
daisy-chain applications, this signal  
requires an external 4.7 kΩ pull-up  
resistor to VCCO_2.  
FPGA Configuration Done. Low  
Low indicates that the FPGA is not Pulled High via external  
bidirectional I/O during configuration. Goes High  
when FPGA successfully  
yet configured.  
pull-up. When High,  
indicates that the FPGA is  
successfully configured.  
completes configuration. Requires  
external 330 Ω pull-up resistor to  
Program FPGA. Active Low. When Must be High to allow  
asserted Low for 500 ns or longer, configuration to start.  
forces the FPGA to restart its  
configuration process by clearing  
configuration memory and  
Drive PROG_B Low and  
release to reprogram  
FPGA. Hold PROG_B to  
force FPGA I/O pins into  
Hi-Z, allowing direct  
resetting the DONE and INIT_B  
programming access to  
Flash PROM pins.  
pins once PROG_B returns High.  
Recommend external 4.7 kΩ  
pull-up resistor to 2.5V. Internal  
pull-up value may be weaker (see  
Table 78). If driving externally with  
a 3.3V output, use an open-drain or  
open-collector driver or use a  
current limiting series resistor.  
The PROM supply voltage also connects to the FPGA’s  
VCCO_2 supply input. In many systems, the PROM supply  
feeding the FPGA’s VCCO_2 input is valid before the  
Voltage Compatibility  
The FPGA’s parallel Flash interface signals are within  
I/O Banks 1 and 2. The majority of parallel Flash PROMs  
use a single 3.3V supply voltage. Consequently, in most  
cases, the FPGA’s VCCO_1 and VCCO_2 supply voltages  
must also be 3.3V to match the parallel Flash PROM. There  
are some 1.8V parallel Flash PROMs available and the  
FPGA interfaces with these devices if the VCCO_1 and  
VCCO_2 supplies are also 1.8V.  
FPGA’s other V  
and V  
supplies, and conse-  
quently, there is no issue. However, if the PROM supply is  
last in the sequence, a potential race occurs between the  
FPGA and the parallel Flash PROM. See Power-On Pre-  
cautions if 3.3V Supply is Last in Sequence for a similar  
description of the issue for SPI Flash PROMs.  
Supported Parallel NOR Flash PROM Densities  
Power-On Precautions if PROM Supply is Last in  
Table 60 indicates the smallest usable parallel Flash PROM  
to program a single Spartan-3E FPGA. Parallel Flash den-  
sity is specified in bits but addressed as bytes. The FPGA  
presents up to 24 address lines during configuration but not  
all are required for single FPGA applications. Table 60  
Like SPI Flash PROMs, parallel Flash PROMs typically  
require some amount of internal initialization time when the  
supply voltage reaches its minimum value.  
DS312-2 (v3.8) August 26, 2009  
Product Specification  