6.4 Interrupt priority level
6.4 Interrupt priority level
When the interrupt disable flag (I) = “0” (interrupts enabled) and more than one interrupt request is detected
at the same sampling timing, which means a timing to check whether an interrupt request exists or not, they
are accepted in descending sequence from the highest priority level.
A maskable interrupt can be set to the desired priority level by using the interrupt priority level select bits.
The priority levels of reset and a watchdog timer interrupt are set by hardware. Figure 6.4.1 shows the
interrupt priority levels set by hardware.
Note that software interrupts are not affected by the interrupt priority levels. Whenever an instruction is
executed, a branch is certainly made to the interrupt routine.
Priority levels determined by hardware
The user can set the desired priority level to a maskable interrupt.
Priority level Low
Fig. 6.4.1 Interrupt priority levels set by hardware
7906 Group User’s Manual Rev.2.0