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M25PE80-VMN6P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M25PE80-VMN6P
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内容描述: 8兆位,页擦除串行闪存与字节变性, 75兆赫的SPI总线,标准引脚 [8-Mbit, page-erasable serial flash memory with byte alterability, 75 MHz SPI bus, standard pinout]
分类和应用: 闪存内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 1387 K
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Operating features  
A fast way to modify data  
The page program (PP) instruction provides a fast way of modifying data (up to 256  
contiguous bytes at a time), provided that it only involves resetting bits to 0 that had  
previously been set to 1.  
This might be:  
when the designer is programming the device for the first time  
when the designer knows that the page has already been erased by an earlier page  
erase (PE), subsector erase (SSE), sector erase (SE) or bulk erase (BE) instruction.  
This is useful, for example, when storing a fast stream of data, having first performed  
the erase cycle when time was available  
when the designer knows that the only changes involve resetting bits to ‘0’ that are still  
set to ‘1’. When this method is possible, it has the additional advantage of minimizing  
the number of unnecessary erase operations, and the extra stress incurred by each  
For optimized timings, it is recommended to use the page program (PP) instruction to  
program all consecutive targeted bytes in a single sequence versus using several page  
program (PP) sequences with each containing only a few bytes (see Section 6.10: Page  
program (PP), Table 22: AC characteristics, and Table 24: AC characteristics (75 MHz  
operation, T9HX (0.11 µm) process)).  
Polling during a write, program or erase cycle  
A further improvement in the write, program or erase time can be achieved by not waiting for  
the worst case delay (t , t , t , t  
, t or t ). The write in progress (WIP) bit is  
provided in the status register so that the application program can monitor its value, polling it  
to establish when the previous cycle is complete.  
An internal power-on reset circuit helps protect against inadvertent data writes. Addition  
protection is provided by driving Reset (Reset) Low during the power-on process, and only  
driving it High when V has reached the correct voltage level, V (min).  
Active power, standby power and deep power-down modes  
When Chip Select (S) is Low, the device is selected, and in the active power mode.  
When Chip Select (S) is High, the device is deselected, but could remain in the active power  
mode until all internal cycles have completed (program, erase, write). The device then goes  
in to the standby power mode. The device consumption drops to I  
The deep power-down mode is entered when the specific instruction (the deep power-down  
(DP) instruction) is executed. The device consumption drops further to I . When in this  
mode, only the release from deep power-down instruction is accepted. All other instructions  
are ignored. The device remains in the deep power-down mode until the release from deep  
power-down instruction is executed. This can be used as an extra software protection  
mechanism, when the device is not in active use, to protect the device from inadvertent  
write, program or erase instructions.  