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MUAA2K80-20QGC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MUAA2K80-20QGC
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内容描述: MUAA路由协处理器( RCP )家庭 [MUAA Routing Co-Processor (RCP) Family]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路uCs集成电路uPs集成电路
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 320 K
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The MUSIC MUAA Routing Co-Processor (RCP) family  
consists of 80-bit wide content-addressable memories  
(CAMs), available in depths of 2K and 8K words. The  
CAM/RAM associated data partition is programmable  
from 32 bits of CAM and 48 bits of associated data, to 80  
bits of CAM and 0 bits of RAM. The MUAA RCP can  
perform normal routing functions such as search, insert,  
and delete on single entries and can age multiple entries  
simultaneously. In addition, there is a learn instruction,  
particularly useful in networking applications. For  
maximum flexibility all the operations may be performed  
either through the processor port or through the synchro-  
nous port. Operations may occur on both ports simulta-  
neously; the port with the highest priority will gain access  
first if both ports require a read or write into the CAM  
array simultaneously.  
Multiple MUAA RCPs may be chained transparently to  
provide deeper memory. No software configuration is  
necessary. Each MUAA RCP detects where it is in the  
chain from the chaining pins on the previous device. A  
register is provided to inform the host of the total available  
CAM memory and the number of CAMs chained. All  
operations to the chained CAM are totally transparent. No  
individual device selection or addressing is required.  
The MUSIC MUAA RCP has aging, auto-aging, and  
learning functions. All entries have a 9-bit time stamp and  
may be marked as static to prevent the aging function from  
deleting them. When auto aging is enabled it may be  
configured to have higher or lower priority access than the  
Two internal virtual queues of learned and aged entries are  
available. As entries are learned or aged out they are  
tagged as such and may be read from the device through  
either of the ports. This feature enables simple host  
management of aged out and learned entries.  
The synchronous interface consists of 32-bit wide input  
and output ports, both of which may be configured as 16  
bits. The data is multiplexed into and out of the CAM and  
RAM associated data field. Where input or output data is  
wider than the port, it is loaded or unloaded in multiple  
cycles starting with the least significant word. Internally  
the device is pipelined; once an operation is started on the  
synchronous port the next operation may be loaded and the  
results of the previous operation unloaded, thus  
maximizing device throughput.  
IEEE Standard. 1149.1 (JTAG) testability is implemented  
CLAMP, and HIGH-Z functions.  