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XC68HC912D60FU8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: XC68HC912D60FU8
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 超前信息 - 冯4.0 [Advance Information - Rev 4.0]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 432 页 / 2948 K
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.  
Pinout and Signal Descriptions  
Port Signals  
3.6.7 Port AD1  
Input to the analog-to-digital subsystem and general-purpose input.  
When analog-to-digital functions are not enabled, the port has eight  
general-purpose input pins, PAD1[7:0]. The ADPU bit in the ATD1CTL2  
register enables the A/D function.  
Port AD1 pins are inputs; no data direction register is associated with this  
port. The port has no resistive input loads and no reduced drive controls.  
Refer to Analog-to-Digital Converter.  
Port AD1 is not available in the 80-pin package.  
3.6.8 Port AD0  
Input to the analog-to-digital subsystem and general-purpose input.  
When analog-to-digital functions are not enabled, the port has eight  
general-purpose input pins, PAD0[7:0]. The ADPU bit in the ATD0CTL2  
register enables the A/D function.  
Port AD0 pins are inputs; no data direction register is associated with this  
port. The port has no resistive input loads and no reduced drive controls.  
Refer to Analog-to-Digital Converter.  
3.6.9 Port P  
The four pulse-width modulation channel outputs share general-purpose  
port P pins. The PWM function is enabled with the PWEN register.  
Enabling PWM pins takes precedence over the general-purpose port.  
When pulse-width modulation is not in use, the port pins may be used for  
general-purpose I/O.  
Register DDRP determines pin direction of port P when used for  
general-purpose I/O. When DDRP bits are set, the corresponding pin is  
configured for output. On reset the DDRP bits are cleared and the  
corresponding pin is configured for input.  
When the PUPP bit in the PWCTL register is set, all input pins are pulled  
up internally by an active pull-up device. Pull-ups are disabled after  
68HC(9)12D60 — Rev 4.0  
Advance Information  
Pinout and Signal Descriptions  
For More Information On This Product,  
Go to: www.freescale.com  