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PIC18F2450-I/SO 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F2450-I/SO
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚,高性能, 12 MIPS ,增强型闪存, USB微控制器采用纳瓦技术 [28/40/44-Pin, High-Performance, 12 MIPS, Enhanced Flash, USB Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 320 页 / 5591 K
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Purpose Register File”) or a location in the Access  
Bank (Section 5.3.3 “Access Bank”) as the data  
source for the instruction.  
Data Addressing Modes  
The execution of some instructions in the  
core PIC18 instruction set are changed  
when the PIC18 extended instruction  
set is enabled. See Section 5.6 “Data  
Memory and the Extended Instruction  
Set” for more information.  
The Access RAM bit ‘a’ determines how the address is  
interpreted. When ‘a’ is ‘1’, the contents of the BSR  
(Section 5.3.2 “Bank Select Register (BSR)”) are  
used with the address to determine the complete 12-bit  
address of the register. When ‘a’ is ‘0’, the address is  
interpreted as being a register in the Access Bank.  
Addressing that uses the Access RAM is sometimes  
also known as Direct Forced Addressing mode.  
While the program memory can be addressed in only  
one way – through the program counter – information  
in the data memory space can be addressed in several  
ways. For most instructions, the addressing mode is  
fixed. Other instructions may use up to three modes,  
depending on which operands are used and whether or  
not the extended instruction set is enabled.  
A few instructions, such as MOVFF, include the entire  
12-bit address (either source or destination) in their  
opcodes. In these cases, the BSR is ignored entirely.  
The destination of the operation’s results is determined  
by the destination bit ‘d’. When ‘d’ is ‘1’, the results are  
stored back in the source register, overwriting its origi-  
nal contents. When ‘d’ is ‘0’, the results are stored in  
the W register. Instructions without the ‘d’ argument  
have a destination that is implicit in the instruction; their  
destination is either the target register being operated  
on or the W register.  
The addressing modes are:  
• Inherent  
• Literal  
• Direct  
• Indirect  
An additional addressing mode, Indexed Literal Offset,  
is available when the extended instruction set is  
enabled (XINST Configuration bit = 1). Its operation is  
discussed in greater detail in Section 5.6.1 “Indexed  
Addressing with Literal Offset”.  
Indirect Addressing allows the user to access a location  
in data memory without giving a fixed address in the  
instruction. This is done by using File Select Registers  
(FSRs) as pointers to the locations to be read or written  
to. Since the FSRs are themselves located in RAM as  
Special Function Registers, they can also be directly  
manipulated under program control. This makes FSRs  
very useful in implementing data structures, such as  
tables and arrays in data memory.  
Many PIC18 control instructions do not need any  
argument at all; they either perform an operation that  
globally affects the device or they operate implicitly on  
one register. This addressing mode is known as  
Inherent Addressing. Examples include SLEEP, RESET  
and DAW.  
The registers for Indirect Addressing are also  
implemented with Indirect File Operands (INDFs) that  
permit automatic manipulation of the pointer value with  
auto-incrementing, auto-decrementing or offsetting  
with another value. This allows for efficient code, using  
loops, such as the example of clearing an entire RAM  
bank in Example 5-5.  
Other instructions work in a similar way but require an  
additional explicit argument in the opcode. This is  
known as Literal Addressing mode because they  
require some literal value as an argument. Examples  
include ADDLWand MOVLW, which respectively, add or  
move a literal value to the W register. Other examples  
include CALL and GOTO, which include a 20-bit  
program memory address.  
EXAMPLE 5-5:  
FSR0, 100h  
Direct Addressing mode specifies all or part of the  
source and/or destination address of the operation  
within the opcode itself. The options are specified by  
the arguments accompanying the instruction.  
; Clear INDF  
; register then  
; inc pointer  
; All done with  
; Bank1?  
In the core PIC18 instruction set, bit-oriented and byte-  
oriented instructions use some version of Direct  
Addressing by default. All of these instructions include  
some 8-bit literal address as their Least Significant  
Byte. This address specifies either a register address in  
one of the banks of data RAM (Section 5.3.4 “General  
; NO, clear next  
; YES, continue  
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.  
Advance Information  
DS39760A-page 67  