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PIC18F25J10-I/SS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F25J10-I/SS
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚高性能, RISC微控制器 [28/40/44-Pin High-Performance, RISC Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 368 页 / 5652 K
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System Clock Selection and the  
FOSC2 Configuration Bit  
The OSCCON register (Register 3-2) controls several  
aspects of the device clock’s operation, both in  
full-power operation and in power-managed modes.  
The SCS bits are cleared on all forms of Reset. In the  
device’s default configuration, this means the primary  
oscillator defined by FOSC<1:0> (that is, one of the HC  
or EC modes) is used as the primary clock source on  
device Resets.  
The System Clock Select bits, SCS<1:0>, select the  
clock source. The available clock sources are the  
primary clock (defined by the FOSC<2:0> Configura-  
tion bits), the secondary clock (Timer1 oscillator) and  
the internal oscillator. The clock source changes after  
one or more of the bits are written to, following a brief  
clock transition interval.  
The default clock configuration on Reset can be changed  
with the FOSC2 Configuration bit. The effect of this bit is  
to set the clock source selected when SCS<1:0> = 00.  
When FOSC2 = 1 (default), the oscillator source  
defined by FOSC<1:0> is selected whenever  
SCS<1:0> = 00. When FOSC2 = 0, the INTRC oscillator  
is selected whenever SCS<1:0> = 00. Because the SCS  
bits are cleared on Reset, the FOSC2 setting also  
changes the default oscillator mode on Reset.  
The OSTS (OSCCON<3>) and T1RUN (T1CON<6>)  
bits indicate which clock source is currently providing  
the device clock. The OSTS bit indicates that the  
Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) has timed out and the  
primary clock is providing the device clock in primary  
clock modes. The T1RUN bit indicates when the  
Timer1 oscillator is providing the device clock in sec-  
ondary clock modes. In power-managed modes, only  
one of these bits will be set at any time. If neither of  
these bits is set, the INTRC is providing the clock, or  
the internal oscillator has just started and is not yet  
Regardless of the setting of FOSC2, INTRC will always  
be enabled on device power-up. It will serve as the  
clock source until the device has loaded its configura-  
tion values from memory. It is at this point that the  
FOSC Configuration bits are read and the oscillator  
selection of operational mode is made.  
Note that either the primary clock or the internal  
oscillator will have two bit setting options, at any given  
time, depending on the setting of FOSC2.  
The IDLEN bit determines if the device goes into Sleep  
mode or one of the Idle modes when the SLEEP  
instruction is executed.  
The use of the flag and control bits in the OSCCON  
register is discussed in more detail in Section 4.0  
“Power-Managed Modes”.  
PIC18F45J10 family devices contain circuitry to  
prevent clock “glitches” when switching between clock  
sources. A short pause in the device clock occurs dur-  
ing the clock switch. The length of this pause is the sum  
of two cycles of the old clock source and three to four  
cycles of the new clock source. This formula assumes  
that the new clock source is stable.  
Note 1: The Timer1 oscillator must be enabled to  
select the secondary clock source. The  
Timer1 oscillator is enabled by setting the  
T1OSCEN bit in the Timer1 Control regis-  
ter (T1CON<3>). If the Timer1 oscillator is  
not enabled, then any attempt to select a  
secondary clock source when executing a  
SLEEPinstruction will be ignored.  
Clock transitions are discussed in greater detail in  
Section 4.1.2 “Entering Power-Managed Modes”.  
2: It is recommended that the Timer1  
oscillator be operating and stable before  
executing the SLEEPinstruction or a very  
long delay may occur while the Timer1  
oscillator starts.  
© 2009 Microchip Technology Inc.  
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