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71M6543H 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 71M6543H
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内容描述: 可选增益1或8的一个电流电能表计量芯片的补偿 [Selectable Gain of 1 or 8 for One Current Energy Meter ICs Metrology Compensation]
文件页数/大小: 157 页 / 2164 K
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71M6543F/H and 71M6543G/GH Data Sheet  
The recommended ADC multiplexer sequence samples the current first, immediately followed by  
sampling of the corresponding phase voltage, thus the voltage is delayed by a phase angle Ф relative to  
the current. The delay compensation implemented in the CE aligns the voltage samples with their  
corresponding current samples by first delaying the current samples by one full sample interval (i.e.,  
360o), then routing the voltage samples through the all-pass filter, thus delaying the voltage samples by  
360o - θ, resulting in the residual phase error between the current and its corresponding voltage of θ Ф.  
The residual phase error is negligible, and is typically less than ±1.5 milli-degrees at 100Hz, thus it does  
not contribute to errors in the energy measurements.  
When using remote sensors, the CE performs the same delay compensation described above to align  
each voltage sample with its corresponding current sample. Even though the remote current samples do  
not pass through the 71M6543 multiplexer, their timing relationship to their corresponding voltages is  
fixed and precisely known, provided that the MUXn_SEL[3:0] slot assignment fields are programmed as  
shown in Table 1. Note that these slot assignments result in VA, VB and VC occupying multiplexer slots  
3, 4 and 5, respectively (see Figure 4).  
2.2.4 ADC Pre-Amplifier  
The ADC pre-amplifier is a low-noise differential amplifier with a fixed gain of 8 available only on the  
IADC0-IADC1 sensor input pins. A gain of 8 is enabled by setting PRE_E = 1 (I/O RAM 0x2704[5]). When  
disabled, the supply current of the pre-amplifier is <10 nA and the gain is unity. With proper settings of the  
PRE_E and DIFF0_E (I/O RAM 0x210C[4]) bits, the pre-amplifier can be used whether differential mode  
is selected or not. For best performance, the differential mode is recommended. In order to save power,  
the bias current of the pre-amplifier and ADC is adjusted according to the ADC_DIV control bit (I/O RAM  
2.2.5 A/D Converter (ADC)  
A single 2nd order sigma-delta A/D converter digitizes the voltage and current inputs to the device. The  
resolution of the ADC, including the sign bit, is 21 bits (FIR_LEN[1:0] = 01, I/O RAM 0x210C[2:1]), or 22  
bits (FIR_LEN[1:0] = 10). The ADC is clocked by CKADC.  
Initiation of each ADC conversion is controlled by the internal MUX_CTRL circuit as described earlier. At  
the end of each ADC conversion, the FIR filter output data is stored into the CE RAM location determined by  
the multiplexer selection.  
2.2.6 FIR Filter  
The finite impulse response filter is an integral part of the ADC and it is optimized for use with the multiplexer.  
The purpose of the FIR filter is to decimate the ADC output to the desired resolution. At the end of each  
ADC conversion, the output data is stored into the fixed CE RAM location determined by the multiplexer  
selection stored in the MUXn_SEL[3:0] fields. FIR data is stored after being shifted left by 9 bits.  
2.2.7 Voltage References  
A bandgap circuit provides the reference voltage to the ADC. The amplifier within the reference is chopper  
stabilized, i.e., the chopper circuit can be enabled or disabled by the MPU using the I/O RAM control field  
CHOP_E[1:0] (I/O RAM 0x2106[3:2]). The two bits in the CHOP_E[1:0] field enable the MPU to operate the  
chopper circuit in regular or inverted operation, or in toggling modes (recommended). When the chopper  
circuit is toggled in between multiplexer cycles, dc offsets on VREF are automatically be averaged out,  
therefore the chopper circuit should always be configured for one of the toggling modes.  
Since the VREF band-gap amplifier is chopper-stabilized, the dc offset voltage, which is the most  
significant long-term drift mechanism in the voltage references (VREF), is automatically removed by the  
chopper circuit. Both the 71M6543 and the 71M6xx3 feature chopper circuits for their respective VREF  
voltage reference.  
The general topology of a chopped amplifier is shown in Figure 6. The CROSS signal is an internal on-  
chip signal and is not accessible on any pin or register.  
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