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HT46R232(48SSOP-A) 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT46R232(48SSOP-A)
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Microcontroller, 8-Bit, UVPROM, 8MHz, CMOS, PDSO48,]
分类和应用: 可编程只读存储器微控制器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 354 K
 浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第23页  
A (7+1) bits mode PWM cycle is divided into two modu-  
lation cycles (modulation cycle0~modulation cycle 1).  
Each modulation cycle has 128 PWM input clock period.  
verted analog channel, and give START bit a raising  
edge and falling edge (0®1®0). At the end of A/D con-  
version, the EOCB bit is cleared and an A/D converter  
interrupt occurs (if the A/D converter interrupt is en-  
abled). The ACSR is A/D clock setting register, which is  
used to select the A/D clock source.  
In a (7+1) bits PWM function, the contents of the PWM  
register is divided into two groups. Group 1 of the PWM  
register is denoted by DC which is the value of  
PWM.7~PWM.1. The group 2 is denoted by AC which is  
the value of PWM.0.  
The A/D converter control register is used to control the  
A/D converter. The bit2~bit0 of the ADCR are used to  
select an analog input channel. There are a total of eight  
channels to select. The bit5~bit3 of the ADCR are used  
to set PB configurations. PB can be an analog input or  
as digital I/O line decided by these 3 bits. Once a PB line  
is selected as an analog input, the I/O functions and  
pull-high resistor of this I/O line are disabled and the A/D  
converter circuit is power on. The EOCB bit (bit6 of the  
ADCR) is end of A/D conversion flag. Check this bit to  
know when A/D conversion is completed. The START  
bit of the ADCR is used to begin the conversion of the  
A/D converter. Giving START bit a rising edge and fall-  
ing edge means that the A/D conversion has started. In  
order to ensure the A/D conversion is completed, the  
START should remain at ²0² until the EOCB is cleared to  
²0² (end of A/D conversion).  
In a (7+1) bits mode PWM cycle, the duty cycle of each  
modulation cycle is shown in the table.  
AC (0~1)  
Duty Cycle  
Modulation cycle i  
The modulation frequency, cycle frequency and cycle  
duty of the PWM output signal are summarized in the  
following table.  
PWM Cycle PWM Cycle  
Modulation Frequency Frequency  
fSYS/64 for (6+2) bits mode  
Bit 7 of the ACSR register is used for test purposes only  
and must not be used for other purposes by the applica-  
tion program. Bit1 and bit0 of the ACSR register are  
used to select the A/D clock source.  
SYS/128 for (7+1) bits mode  
A/D Converter  
The 8 channels and 10-bit resolution A/D converter are  
implemented in this microcontroller. The reference volt-  
age is VDD. The A/D converter contains 4 special regis-  
ters which are; ADRL (24H), ADRH (25H), ADCR (26H)  
and ACSR (27H). The ADRH and ADRL are A/D result  
register higher-order byte and lower-order byte and are  
read-only. After the A/D conversion is completed, the  
ADRH and ADRL should be read to get the conversion  
result data. The ADCR is an A/D converter control regis-  
ter, which defines the A/D channel number, analog  
channel select, start A/D conversion control bit and the  
end of A/D conversion flag. If the users want to start an  
A/D conversion, define PB configuration, select the con-  
When the A/D conversion has completed, the A/D inter-  
rupt request flag will be set. The EOCB bit is set to ²1²  
when the START bit is set from ²0² to ²1².  
Important Note for A/D initialization:  
Special care must be taken to initialize the A/D con-  
verter each time the Port B A/D channel selection bits  
are modified, otherwise the EOCB flag may be in an un-  
defined condition. An A/D initialization is implemented  
by setting the START bit high and then clearing it to zero  
within 10 instruction cycles of the Port B channel selec-  
tion bits being modified. Note that if the Port B channel  
selection bits are all cleared to zero then an A/D initial-  
ization is not required.  
Bit No. Label  
ACS1 Defines the analog channel select  
Defines the port B configuration select. If PCR0, PCR1 and PCR2 are all zero, the ADC circuit is  
power off to reduce power consumption  
Indicates end of A/D conversion. (0 = end of A/D conversion)  
Each time bits 3~5 change state the A/D should be initialized by issuing a START signal, other-  
wise the EOCB flag may have an undefined condition. See ²Important note for A/D initialization².  
Starts the A/D conversion. (0®1®0= start; 0®1= Reset A/D converter and set EOCB to ²1²)  
ADCR (26H) Register  
Rev. 1.50  
January 21, 2009  