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HT46R232(48SSOP-A) 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT46R232(48SSOP-A)
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Microcontroller, 8-Bit, UVPROM, 8MHz, CMOS, PDSO48,]
分类和应用: 可编程只读存储器微控制器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 48 页 / 354 K
 浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第24页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号HT46R232(48SSOP-A)的Datasheet PDF文件第27页  
I2C Bus Serial Interface  
vice is working in transmit or receive mode. When SRW  
bit is set ²1², it means that the master wants to read data  
from I2C Bus, the slave device must write data to I2C  
Bus, so the slave device is working in transmit mode.  
When SRW is reset to ²0², it means that the master  
wants to write data to I2C Bus, the slave device must  
read data from the bus, so the slave device is working in  
receive mode. The RXAK bit is reset ²0² indicates an ac-  
knowledges signal has been received. In the transmit  
mode, the transmitter checks RXAK bit to know the re-  
ceiver which wants to receive the next data byte, so the  
transmitter continue to write data to the I2C Bus until the  
RXAK bit is set to ²1² and the transmitter releases the  
SDA line, so that the master can send the STOP signal  
to release the bus.  
I2C Bus is implemented in the device. The I2C Bus is a  
bidirectional two-wire lines. The data line and clock line  
are implement in SDA pin and SCL pin. The SDA and  
SCL are NMOS open drain output pin. They must con-  
nect a pull-high resistor respectively.  
Using the I2C Bus, the device has two ways to transfer  
data. One is in slave transmit mode, the other is in slave  
receive mode. There are four registers related to I2C  
Bus; HADR([20H]), HCR([21H]), HSR([22H]),  
HDR([23H]). The HADR register is the slave address  
setting of the device, if the master sends the calling ad-  
dress which match, it means that this device is selected.  
The HCR is I2C Bus control register which defines the  
device enable or disable the I2C Bus as a transmitter or  
as a receiver. The HSR is I2C Bus status register, it re-  
sponds with the I2C Bus status. The HDR is input/output  
data register, data to transmit or receive must be via the  
HDR register.  
The HADR bit7-bit1 define the device slave address. At  
the beginning of transfer, the master must select a de-  
vice by sending the address of the slave device. The bit  
0 is unused and is not defined. If the I2C Bus receives a  
start signal, all slave device notice the continuity of the  
8-bit data. The front of 7 bits is slave address and the  
first bit is MSB. If the address is match, the HAAS status  
bit is set and generate an I2C Bus interrupt. In the ISR,  
the slave device must check the HAAS bit to know the  
I2C Bus interrupt comes from the slave address that has  
match or completed one 8-bit data transfer. The last bit  
of the 8-bit data is read/write command bit, it responds in  
SRW bit. The slave will check the SRW bit to know if the  
master wants to transmit or receive data. The device  
check SRW bit to know it is as a transmitter or receiver.  
The I2C Bus control register contains three bits. The  
HEN bit defines whether to enable or disable the I2C  
Bus. If the data wants to transfer via I2C Bus, this bit  
must be set. The HTX bit defines whether the I2C Bus is  
in transmit or receive mode. If the device is as a trans-  
mitter, this bit must be set to ²1². The TXAK defines the  
transmit acknowledge signal, when the device received  
8-bit data, the device sends this bit to I2C Bus at the 9th  
clock. If the receiver wants to continue to receive the  
next data, this bit must be reset to ²0² before receiving  
The I2C Bus status register contains 5 bits. The HCF bit  
is reset to ²0² when one data byte is being transferred. If  
one data transfer is completed, this bit is set to ²1². The  
HAAS bit is set ²1² when the address is match, and the  
I2C Bus interrupt request flag is set to ²1². If the interrupt  
is enabled and the stack is not full, a subroutine call to  
location 10H will occur. Writing data to the I2C Bus con-  
trol register clears HAAS bit. If the address is not match,  
this bit is reset to ²0². The HBB bit is set to respond the  
I2C Bus is busy. It mean that a START signal is detected.  
This bit is reset to ²0² when the I2C Bus is not busy. It  
means that a STOP signal is detected and the I2C Bus is  
free. The SRW bit defines the read/write command bit, if  
the calling address is match. When HAAS is set to ²1²,  
the device check SRW bit to determine whether the de-  
Slave Address  
²¾² means undefined  
HADR (20H) Register  
The HDR register is the I2C Bus input/output data regis-  
ter. Before transmitting data, the HDR must write the  
data which needs to be transmitted. Before receiving  
data, the device must dummy read data from HDR.  
Transmit or Receive data from I2C Bus must be via the  
HDR register.  
At the beginning of the transfer of the I2C Bus, the de-  
vice must initial the bus, the following are the notes for  
initialing the I2C Bus:  
Rev. 1.50  
January 21, 2009  