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EN29LV160AB-70UIP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EN29LV160AB-70UIP
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Flash, 1MX16, 70ns, PDSO44, SOP-44]
分类和应用: 光电二极管内存集成电路闪存
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 1435 K
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Toggle Bit I  
The EN29LV160A provides a “Toggle Bit” on DQ6 to indicate the status of the embedded  
programming and erase operations. (See Table 6)  
During an embedded Program or Erase operation, successive attempts to read data from the device  
at any address (by active OE# or CE#) will result in DQ6 toggling between “zero” and “one”. Once  
the embedded Program or Erase operation is completed, DQ6 will stop toggling and valid data will be  
read on the next successive attempts. During embedded Programming, the Toggle Bit is valid after  
the rising edge of the fourth WE# pulse in the four-cycle sequence. During Erase operation, the  
Toggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse for sector erase or chip erase.  
In embedded Programming, if the sector being written to is protected, DQ6 will toggles for about 2 µs,  
then stop toggling without the data in the sector having changed. In Sector Erase or Chip Erase, if all  
selected sectors are protected, DQ6 will toggle for about 100 µs. The chip will then return to the read  
mode without changing data in all protected sectors.  
The flowchart for the Toggle Bit (DQ6) is shown in Flowchart 6. The Toggle Bit timing diagram is  
shown in Figure 9  
DQ5 Exceeded Timing Limits  
DQ5 indicates whether the program or erase time has exceeded a specified internal pulse count limit.  
Under these conditions DQ5 produces a “1.” This is a failure condition that indicates the program or  
erase cycle was not successfully completed. Since it is possible that DQ5 can become a 1 when the  
device has successfully completed its operation and has returned to read mode, the user must check  
again to see if the DQ6 is toggling after detecting a “1” on DQ5.  
The DQ5 failure condition may appear if the system tries to program a “1” to a location that is  
previously programmed to “0.” Only an erase operation can change a “0” back to a “1.” Under  
this condition, the device halts the operation, and when the operation has exceeded the timing limits,  
DQ5 produces a “1.” Under both these conditions, the system must issue the reset command to  
return the device to reading array data.  
DQ3 Sector Erase Timer  
After writing a sector erase command sequence, the output on DQ3 can be used to determine  
whether or not an erase operation has begun. (The sector erase timer does not apply to the chip  
erase command.) When sector erase starts, DQ3 switches from “0” to “1.” This device does not  
support multiple sector erase command sequences so it is not very meaningful since it immediately  
shows as a “1” after the first 30h command. Future devices may support this feature.  
DQ2 Erase Toggle Bit II  
The “Toggle Bit” on DQ2, when used with DQ6, indicates whether a particular sector is actively  
erasing (that is, the Embedded Erase algorithm is in progress), or whether that sector is erase-  
suspended. Toggle Bit II is valid after the rising edge of the final WE# pulse in the command  
sequence. DQ2 toggles when the system reads at addresses within those sectors that have been  
selected for erasure. (The system may use either OE# or CE# to control the read cycles.) But DQ2  
cannot distinguish whether the sector is actively erasing or is erase-suspended. DQ6, by comparison,  
indicates whether the device is actively erasing, or is in Erase Suspend, but cannot distinguish which  
sectors are selected for erasure. Thus, both status bits are required for sector and mode information.  
Refer to Table 5 to compare outputs for DQ2 and DQ6.  
Flowchart 6 shows the toggle bit algorithm, and the section “DQ2: Toggle Bit” explains the algorithm.  
See also the “DQ6: Toggle Bit I” subsection. Refer to the Toggle Bit Timings figure for the toggle bit  
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions  
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.  
©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc., www.essi.com.tw  
Rev. I, Issue Date: 2008/07/17  