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EN29LV160AB-70UIP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EN29LV160AB-70UIP
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Flash, 1MX16, 70ns, PDSO44, SOP-44]
分类和应用: 光电二极管内存集成电路闪存
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 1435 K
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Status” for more information. The Autoselect command is not supported during Erase Suspend  
The system must write the Erase Resume command (address bits are don’t-care) to exit the erase  
suspend mode and continue the sector erase operation. Further writes of the Resume command are  
ignored. Another Erase Suspend command can be written after the device has resumed erasing.  
DATA# Polling  
The EN29LV160A provides DATA# polling on DQ7 to indicate the status of the embedded operations.  
The DATA# polling feature is active during Byte Programming, Sector Erase, Chip Erase, and Erase  
Suspend. (See Table 10)  
When the embedded Programming is in progress, an attempt to read the device will produce the  
complement of the data written to DQ7. Upon the completion of the Byte Programming, an attempt to  
read the device will produce the true data written to DQ7. For the Byte Programming, DATA# polling  
is valid after the rising edge of the fourth WE# or CE# pulse in the four-cycle sequence.  
When the embedded Erase is in progress, an attempt to read the device will produce a “0” at the  
DQ7 output. Upon the completion of the embedded Erase, the device will produce the “1” at the DQ7  
output during the read cycles. For Chip Erase, the DATA# polling is valid after the rising edge of the  
sixth WE# or CE# pulse in the six-cycle sequence. DATA# polling is valid after the last rising edge of  
the WE# or CE# pulse for chip erase or sector erase.  
DATA# Polling must be performed at any address within a sector that is being programmed or  
erased and not a protected sector. Otherwise, DATA# polling may give an inaccurate result if the  
address used is in a protected sector.  
Just prior to the completion of the embedded operations, DQ7 may change asynchronously when the  
output enable (OE#) is low. This means that the device is driving status information on DQ7 at one  
instant of time and valid data at the next instant of time. Depending on when the system samples the  
DQ7 output, it may read the status of valid data. Even if the device has completed the embedded  
operations and DQ7 has a valid data, the data output on DQ0-DQ6 may be still invalid. The valid  
data on DQ0-DQ7 will be read on the subsequent read attempts.  
The flowchart for DATA# Polling (DQ7) is shown on Flowchart 5. The DATA# Polling (DQ7) timing  
diagram is shown in Figure 8.  
RY/BY#: Ready/Busy  
The RY/BY# is a dedicated, open-drain output pin that indicates whether an Embedded Algorithm is  
in progress or completed. The RY/BY# status is valid after the rising edge of the final WE# pulse in  
the command sequence. Since RY/BY# is an open-drain output, several RY/BY# pins can be tied  
together in parallel with a pull-up resistor to Vcc.  
In the output-low period, signifying Busy, the device is actively erasing or programming. This includes  
programming in the Erase Suspend mode. If the output is high, signifying the Ready, the device is  
ready to read array data (including during the Erase Suspend mode), or is in the standby mode.  
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions  
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.  
©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc., www.essi.com.tw  
Rev. I, Issue Date: 2008/07/17  