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MX929BDW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX929BDW
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内容描述: 数据公报4级FSK调制解调器数据泵 [DATA BULLETIN 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump]
分类和应用: 调制解调器
文件页数/大小: 51 页 / 616 K
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4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump  
Page 25 of 50  
MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Control Register B3, B2: LEVRES - Level Measurement Modes  
These two bits have no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode they set the 'normal' or 'steady state'  
operating mode of the Rx signal amplitude and DC offset measuring and tracking circuits. These circuits  
analyze the Rx signal envelope and charge the DOC1 and DOC2 capacitors to 'store' signal maximum and  
minimum references that are used in the data reception process. This setting is temporarily overridden during  
the automatic sequencing triggered by an AQLEV command when level is initially being acquired as described  
in Section 5.3.  
B3 B2  
Level Track  
Lossy Peak Detect  
Slow Peak Detect  
In normal use the LEVRES bits should be set to '0 1' (Level Track). The other modes are intended for special  
purposes, for device testing, or are invoked automatically during an AQLEV sequence.  
In 'Slow Peak Detect' modes, the positive and negative excursions of the received signal (after filtering) are  
measured by peak rectifiers driving the DOC1 and DOC2 capacitors to establish the amplitude of the signal  
and any DC offset with regards to V  
. This mode provides good overall performance, particularly when  
acquiring level information at the start of a received message, but does not work as well with certain long  
sequences of repeated data byte values. It is also susceptible to large amplitude noise spikes, which can be  
caused by deep fades.  
The 'Lossy Peak Detect' mode is similar to 'Slow Peak Detect' but the capacitor discharge time constant is  
much shorter so this mode is not suitable for normal data reception and is only used within part of the  
automatic AQLEV acquisition sequence.  
In 'Level Track' mode the DOC capacitor voltages are slowly adjusted by the MX929B in such a way as to  
minimize the average errors seen in the received signal. This mode provides the best overall performance,  
being much more accurate than 'Slow Peak Detect' when receiving large amplitude noise spikes on long  
sequences of repeated data byte values. It does, however, depend on the measured levels and timing being  
approximately correct. If either of these is significantly wrong then the correction algorithm used by the 'Level  
Track' mode can actually drive the voltages on the DOC capacitors away from their optimum levels. For this  
reason, the automatic AQLEV acquisition sequence (see Section 5.3) forces the level measuring circuits into  
'Slow Peak Detect' mode until a Frame Sync pattern has been found.  
In 'HOLD' mode the DOC Capacitors are isolated from the charging and discharging circuits, allowing their  
voltages to remain constant. Control Register B1, B0: PLLBW - Phase-Locked Loop Bandwidth Modes  
These two bits have no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode, they set the 'normal' or 'steady state'  
bandwidth of the Rx clock extraction Phase Locked Loop circuit. The PLL circuit synchronizes itself with the  
Rx Signal to develop a local clock signal used in the data clock recovery process. This setting will be  
temporarily overridden during the automatic sequencing of an AQSC command when Rx clock extraction  
circuits are initially being trained as described in  
Section 5.3.  
B1 B0  
PLL Mode  
Narrow Bandwidth  
Medium Bandwidth  
Wide Bandwidth  
The normal setting for the PLLBW bits should be 'Medium Bandwidth' when the received symbol rate and the  
frequency of the receiving modem's crystal are both within r100ppm of nominal, except at the start of a  
symbol clock acquisition sequence (AQSC) when 'Wide Bandwidth' should be selected as described in  
Section 5.3.  
If the received symbol rate and the crystal frequency are both within r20ppm of nominal then selection of the  
'Narrow Bandwidth' setting will provide better performance especially through fades or noise bursts which may  
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www.mxcom.com Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 Fax: 336 744 5054  
Doc. # 20480171.003  
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA  
All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.  