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MX929BDW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX929BDW
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内容描述: 数据公报4级FSK调制解调器数据泵 [DATA BULLETIN 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump]
分类和应用: 调制解调器
文件页数/大小: 51 页 / 616 K
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4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump  
Page 28 of 50  
4.5.5 Status Register  
This register may be read by the PC to determine the current state of the modem.  
Status Register  
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
SRDY Status Register B7: IRQ - Interrupt Request  
This bit is set to '1' by:  
The Status Register BFREE bit going from '0' to '1', unless this is caused by a RESET task or by a  
change to the Mode Register TX /RX or PSAVE bits  
The Status Register IBEMPTY bit going from '0' to '1', unless this is caused by a RESET task or by  
changing the Mode Register TX
RX or PSAVE bits.  
The Status Register DIBOVF bit going from '0' to '1'.  
The Status Register SRDY bit being set to '1' (due to a 'S' symbol being received or transmitted) if the  
Mode Register SSIEN bit is '1'.  
The IRQ bit is cleared to '0' immediately after a read of the Status Register.  
If the IRQEN bit of the Mode Register is '1', then the chip IRQ output will be pulled low (V ) when the IRQ bit  
is set to '1', and will go high impedance when the Status Register is read. Status Register B6: BFREE - Data Block Buffer Free  
This bit reflects the availability of the Data Block Buffer and is cleared to '0' when a task other than NULL or  
RESET is written to the Command Register.  
In transmit mode, the BFREE bit will be set to '1' (also setting the Status Register IRQ bit to '1') by the modem  
when the modem is ready for the µC to write new data to the Data Block Buffer and the next task to the  
Command Register.  
In receive mode, the BFREE bit is set to '1' (also setting the Status Register IRQ bit to '1') by the modem when  
it has completed a task and any data associated with that task has been placed into the Data Block Buffer.  
The µC may then read that data and write the next task to the Command Register.  
The BFREE bit is also set to '1' - but without setting the IRQ bit - by a RESET task or when the Mode Register  
TX /RX or PSAVE bits are changed. Status Register B5: IBEMPTY - Interleave Buffer Empty  
In transmit mode, this bit will be set to '1' - also setting the IRQ bit - when less than two symbols remain in the  
Interleave Buffer. Any transmit task written to the modem after this bit goes to '1' will be too late to avoid a gap  
in the transmit output signal.  
The bit is also set to '1' by a RESET task or by a change of the Mode Register TX /RX or PSAVE bits, but in  
these cases the IRQ bit will not be set.  
The bit is cleared to '0' within one symbol time after a task other than NULL or RESET is written to the  
Command Register.  
Note: When the modem is in transmit mode and the Interleave Buffer is empty, a mid-level (halfway between  
'+1' and '-1') signal will be sent to the RRC filter.  
In receive mode this bit will be '0'.  
©2001 MX-COM, INC.  
www.mxcom.com Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 Fax: 336 744 5054  
Doc. # 20480171.003  
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA  
All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.  