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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
It may become necessary for the host to change the  
Destination Address (DA) filter criteria without re-  
setting the CS8900A. This can be done as follows:  
sponding bit in the 64-bit Logical Address Filter,  
located at PacketPage base + 0150h. If the decoder  
output and the Logical Address Filter bit match, the  
frame passes the hash filter and the Hashed bit  
(Register 4, RxEvent, Bit 9) is set. If the two do not  
match, the frame fails the filter and the Hashed bit  
is clear.  
1) Clear SerRxON (Register 13, LineCTL, Bit 6)  
to prevent any additional receive frames while  
the filter is being changed.  
2) Modify the DA filter bits (B, A, 9, 7, and 6) in  
the RxCTL register. Modify the Logical Ad-  
Modify the Individual Address at PacketPage  
base + 0158h, if necessary.  
Whenever the hash filter is passed by a "good"  
frame, the RxOK bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit 8) is  
set and the bits in the HR are mapped to the Hash  
Table Index bits (Register 4, RxEvent, Bits A  
through F).  
3) Set SerRxON to re-enable the receiver.  
5.3.3 Broadcast Frame Hashing Exception  
Because the receiver has been disabled, the  
CS8900A will ignore frames while the host is  
changing the DA filter.  
Table 25 describes in detail the content of the Rx-  
Event register for each output of the hash and ad-  
dress filters, and describes an exception to normal  
processing. That exception can occur when when  
5.3.2 Hash Filter  
The hash filter is used to help determine which the hash-filter Broadcast address matches a bit in  
Multicast frames and which Individual Address  
frames should be accepted by the CS8900A.  
the Logical Address Filter. To properly account for  
this exception, the software driver should use the  
following test to determine if the RxEvent register  
contains a normal RxEvent (meaning bits E-A are  
used for Extra data, Runt, CRC Error, Broadcast  
and IndividualAdr) or a hash-table RxEvent (mean-  
ing bits F-A contain the Hash Table Index). Hash Filter Operation  
See Figure 23. The DA of the incoming frame is  
passed through the CRC logic, generating a 32-bit  
CRC value. The six most-significant bits of the  
CRC are latched into the 6-bit hash register (HR).  
The contents of the HR are passed through a 6-to-  
64-bit decoder, asserting one of the decoders out-  
puts. The asserted output is compared with a corre-  
If bit Hashed =0, or bit RxOK=0, or (bits F-A = 02h  
and the destination address is all ones) then Rx-  
Event contains a normal RxEvent, else RxEvent  
contained a hash RxEvent.  
32-bit CRC value  
Destination Address (DA)  
from incoming frame  
6-bit Hash Register (HR)  
[Hash Table Index]  
6-to-64 decoder  
OR gate  
64-bit Logical Address Filter (LAF)  
Written into PacketPage base + 150h  
Figure 23. Hash Filter Operation  