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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
driving the selected DMA Request pin high. The  
DMA controller acknowledges the request by driv-  
ing the DMA Acknowledge pin low. The CS8900A  
then transfers the contents of the RxStatus register  
(PacketPage base + 0400h) and the RxLength reg-  
ister (PacketPage base + 0402h) to host memory,  
followed by the frame data. If the DMABurst bit  
(Register 17, BusCTL, Bit B) is clear, the DMA  
Request pin remains high until the entire frame is  
transferred. If the DMABurst bit is set, the DMA  
Request pin (DMARQ) remains high for approxi-  
mately 28 ms then goes low for approximately 1.3  
ms to give the CPU and other peripherals access to  
the bus.  
Register Description  
DMA Channel Number: DMA chan-  
nel number (0, 1, or 2) that defines the  
DMARQ/DMACK pin pair used.  
DMA Start of Frame: 16-bit value that  
defines the offset from the DMA base  
address to the start of the most  
recently transferred received frame.  
DMA Frame Count: The lower 12 bits  
define the number of valid frames  
transferred via DMA since the last  
read-out of this register. The upper 4  
bits are reserved and not applicable.  
DMA Byte Count: Defines the num-  
ber of bytes that have been transferred  
via DMA since the last read-out of this  
When the transfer is complete, the CS8900A does  
the following:  
Table 26. Receive DMA Registers  
The size of the circular buffer is determined by the  
RxDMAsize bit (Register 17, BusCTL, Bit D).  
When RxDMAsize is clear, the buffer size is 16  
Kbytes. When RxDMAsize is set, the buffer is 64  
Kbytes. It is the hosts task to locate and keep track  
of the DMA receive buffers base address. The  
DMA Start-of-Frame register is the only circuit af-  
fected by this bit.  
updates the DMA Start-of-Frame register  
(PacketPage base + 0026h);  
updates the DMA Frame Count register (Pack-  
etPage base + 0028h);  
updates DMA Byte Count register (PacketPage  
base + 002Ah);  
sets the RxDMAFrame bit (Register C, BufE-  
vent, Bit 7); and,  
APPLICATION NOTE: As a result of the PC ar-  
chitecture, DMA cannot occur across a 128K  
boundary in memory. Thus, the DMA buffer re-  
served for the CS8900A must not cross a 128K  
boundary in host memory if DMA operation is de-  
sired. Requesting a 64K, rather than a 16K buffer,  
increases the probability of crossing a 128K bound-  
ary. After the driver requests a DMA buffer, the  
driver must check for a boundary crossing. If the  
boundary is crossed, then the driver must disable  
DMA functionality.  
deallocates the buffer space used by the trans-  
ferred frame.  
In addition, if the RxDMAiE bit (Register B,  
BufCFG, Bit 7) is set, a corresponding interrupt oc-  
When the host processes DMAed frames, it must  
read the DMA Frame Count register.  
Whenever a receive frame is missed (lost) due to  
insufficient receive buffer space, the RxMISS  
counter (Register 10) is incremented. A missed re-  
ceive frame causes the counter to increment in ei-  
ther DMA or non-DMA modes.  
5.4.4 Receive-DMA-Only Operation  
If space is available, an incoming frame is tempo-  
rarily stored in on-chip RAM. When the entire  
frame has been received, pre-processed, and ac-  
cepted, the CS8900A signals the DMA controller  
that a frame is to be transferred to host memory by  
Note that when in DMA mode, reading the contents  
of the RxEvent register will return 0000h. Status  