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EP2C8T144I8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2C8T144I8N
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内容描述: Cyclone II器件手册,卷1 [Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 470 页 / 5765 K
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PS Configuration  
nCONFIGis low and during the beginning of configuration. Once the  
optional bit to enable INIT_DONEis programmed into the device (during  
the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONEpin goes low. When  
initialization is complete, the INIT_DONEpin is released and pulled high.  
This low-to-high transition signals that the FPGA has entered user mode.  
If you do not use the INIT_DONEpin, the initialization period is complete  
after the CONF_DONEsignal transitions high and 299 clock cycles are sent  
to the CLKUSRpin or after the time tCF2UM (see Table 13–7) if the  
Cyclone II device uses the internal oscillator.  
After successful configuration, if you intend to synchronize the  
initialization of multiple devices that are not in the same configuration  
chain, your system must not pull the CONF_DONEsignal low to delay  
initialization. Instead, use the optional CLKUSRpin to synchronize the  
initialization of multiple devices that are not in the same configuration  
chain. Devices in the same configuration chain initialize together if their  
CONF_DONEpins are tied together.  
If the optional CLKUSRpin is being used and nCONFIGis pulled  
low to restart configuration during device initialization, you  
need to ensure that CLKUSRcontinues toggling during the time  
nSTATUSis low (maximum of 40 µs).  
User Mode  
When initialization is complete, the FPGA enters user mode. In user  
mode, the user I/O pins do not have weak pull-up resistors and function  
as assigned in your design. Enhanced configuration devices and EPC2  
devices drive DCLKlow and DATA0high (EPC1 devices drive the DCLK  
pin low and tri-state the DATApin) at the end of configuration.  
When the FPGA is in user mode, pull the nCONFIGpin low to begin  
reconfiguration. The nCONFIGpin should be low for at least 2 µs. When  
nCONFIGtransitions low, the Cyclone II device also pulls the nSTATUS  
and CONF_DONEpins low and all I/O pins are tri-stated. Because  
CONF_DONEtransitions low, this activates the configuration device since  
it will see its nCSpin transition low. Once nCONFIGreturns to a logic high  
level and nSTATUSis released by the FPGA, reconfiguration begins.  
Error During Configuration  
If an error occurs during configuration, the Cyclone II drives its nSTATUS  
pin low, resetting itself internally. Since the nSTATUSpin is tied to OE,  
the configuration device is also reset. If you turn on the Auto-restart  
configuration after error option in the Quartus II software from the  
General tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box, the FPGA  
automatically initiates reconfiguration if an error occurs. The Cyclone II  
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1  
Altera Corporation  
February 2007  