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EP2C8T144I8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2C8T144I8N
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内容描述: Cyclone II器件手册,卷1 [Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 470 页 / 5765 K
 浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第389页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第390页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第391页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第392页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第394页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第395页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第396页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第397页  
Configuring Cyclone II Devices  
it feeds the next device’s nCEpin. After the first device in the chain  
completes configuration, its nCEOpin transitions low to activate the  
second device's nCEpin, which prompts the second device to begin  
configuration. You can leave the nCEOpin of the last device unconnected  
or use it as a user I/O pin after configuration. The nCEOpin is a  
dual-purpose pin in Cyclone II devices.  
The Quartus II software sets the Cyclone II device nCEOpin as  
an output pin driving to ground by default. If the device is in a  
chain, and the nCEOpin is connected to the next device’s nCE  
pin, you must make sure that the nCEOpin is not used as a user  
I/O pin after configuration. This software setting is in the  
Dual-Purpose Pins tab of the Device & Pin Options dialog box  
in Quartus II software.  
Connect all other configuration pins (nCONFIG, nSTATUS, DCLK, DATA0,  
and CONF_DONE) to every Cyclone II device in the chain. The  
configuration signals may require buffering to ensure signal integrity and  
prevent clock skew problems. Buffer the DCLKand DATAlines for every  
fourth device.  
When configuring multiple devices, configuration does not begin until all  
devices release their OEor nSTATUSpins. Similarly, since all device  
CONF_DONEpins are tied together, all devices initialize and enter user  
mode at the same time.  
You should not pull CONF_DONElow to delay initialization. Instead, use  
the Quartus II software’s User-Supplied Start-Up Clock option to  
synchronize the initialization of multiple devices that are not in the same  
configuration chain. Devices in the same configuration chain initialize  
together since their CONF_DONEpins are tied together.  
Since all nSTATUSand CONF_DONEpins are connected, if any device  
detects an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and the entire  
chain must be reconfigured. For example, if there is an error when  
configuring the first Cyclone II device, it resets the chain by pulling its  
nSTATUSpin low. This low signal drives the OEpin low on the enhanced  
configuration device and drives nSTATUSlow on all FPGAs, which  
causes them to enter a reset state.  
If the Auto-restart configuration after error option is turned on, the  
devices automatically initiate reconfiguration if an error occurs. The  
FPGAs release their nSTATUSpins after a reset time-out period (40 µs  
maximum). When all the nSTATUSpins are released and pulled high, the  
configuration device reconfigures the chain. If the Auto-restart  
configuration after error option is turned off, a microprocessor or  
controller must monitor the nSTATUSpin for errors and then pulse  
Altera Corporation  
February 2007  
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1  