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XCS20-3PQ208C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: XCS20-3PQ208C
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内容描述: 斯巴达和Spartan-XL系列现场可编程门阵列 [Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 848 K
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Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
of the first frame. The first two data bits of the first frame are  
always High.  
The user can read back the content of configuration mem-  
ory and the level of certain internal nodes without interfering  
with the normal operation of the device.  
Each frame ends with four error check bits. They are read  
back as High. The last seven bits of the last frame are also  
read back as High. An additional Start bit (Low) and an  
11-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) signature follow,  
before RDBK.RIP returns Low.  
Readback not only reports the downloaded configuration  
bits, but can also include the present state of the device,  
represented by the content of all flip-flops and latches in  
CLBs and IOBs, as well as the content of function genera-  
tors used as RAMs.  
Readback Options  
Readback options are: Readback Capture, Readback  
Abort, and Clock Select. They are set with the bitstream  
generation software.  
Although readback can be performed while the device is  
operating, for best results and to freeze a known capture  
state, it is recommended that the clock inputs be stopped  
until readback is complete.  
Readback Capture  
When the Readback Capture option is selected, the data  
stream includes sampled values of CLB and IOB signals.  
The rising edge of RDBK.TRIG latches the inverted values  
of the four CLB outputs, the IOB output flip-flops and the  
input signals I1 and I2. Note that while the bits describing  
configuration (interconnect, function generators, and RAM  
content) are not inverted, the CLB and IOB output signals  
are inverted. RDBK.TRIG is located in the lower-left corner  
of the device.  
Readback of Spartan-XL Express mode bitstreams results  
in data that does not resemble the original bitstream,  
because the bitstream format differs from other modes.  
Spartan/XL Readback does not use any dedicated pins, but  
uses four internal nets (RDBK.TRIG, RDBK.DATA,  
RDBK.RIP and RDBK.CLK) that can be routed to any IOB.  
To access the internal Readback signals, instantiate the  
READBACK library symbol and attach the appropriate pad  
symbols, as shown in Figure 32.  
When the Readback Capture option is not selected, the val-  
ues of the capture bits reflect the configuration data origi-  
nally written to those memory locations. If the RAM  
capability of the CLBs is used, RAM data are available in  
Readback, since they directly overwrite the F and G func-  
tion-table configuration of the CLB.  
After Readback has been initiated by a Low-to-High transi-  
tion on RDBK.TRIG, the RDBK.RIP (Read In Progress) out-  
put goes High on the next rising edge of RDBK.CLK.  
Subsequent rising edges of this clock shift out Readback  
data on the RDBK.DATA net.  
Readback data does not include the preamble, but starts  
with five dummy bits (all High) followed by the Start bit (Low)  
If Unconnected,  
Default is CCLK  
Figure 32: Readback Schematic Example  
DS060 (v1.6) September 19, 2001  
Product Specification  