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5962-9561101MZC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9561101MZC
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Field Programmable Gate Array, 190MHz, 320-Cell, CMOS, CQFP164, TOP BRAZED, CERAMIC, QFP-164]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑
文件页数/大小: 76 页 / 730 K
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XC3000 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
configuration, each Readback frame has only one Stop bit  
(read back as a zero). The third leading dummy bit men-  
tioned above can be considered the Start bit of the first  
frame. All data frames must be read back to complete the  
process and return the Mode Select and CCLK pins to their  
normal functions.  
Special Configuration Functions  
The configuration data includes control over several spe-  
cial functions in addition to the normal user logic functions  
and interconnect.  
Input thresholds  
Readback disable  
DONE pull-up resistor  
DONE timing  
RESET timing  
Oscillator frequency divided by two  
Readback data includes the current state of each CLB  
flip-flop, each input flip-flop or latch, and each device pad.  
These data are imbedded into unused configuration bit  
positions during Readback. This state information is used  
by the development system In-Circuit Verifier to provide  
visibility into the internal operation of the logic while the  
system is operating. To readback a uniform time-sample of  
all storage elements, it may be necessary to inhibit the sys-  
tem clock.  
Each of these functions is controlled by configuration data  
bits which are selected as part of the normal development  
system bitstream generation process.  
Input Thresholds  
Prior to the completion of configuration all FPGA input  
thresholds are TTL compatible. Upon completion of config-  
uration, the input thresholds become either TTL or CMOS  
compatible as programmed. The use of the TTL threshold  
option requires some additional supply current for thresh-  
old shifting. The exception is the threshold of the  
PWRDWN input and direct clocks which always have a  
CMOS input. Prior to the completion of configuration the  
user I/O pins each have a high impedance pull-up. The  
configuration program can be used to enable the IOB  
pull-up resistors in the Operational mode to act either as an  
input load or to avoid a floating input on an otherwise  
unused pin.  
To initiate a re-programming cycle, the dual-function pin  
DONE/PROG must be given a High-to-Low transition. To  
reduce sensitivity to noise, the input signal is filtered for two  
cycles of the FPGA internal timing generator. When repro-  
gram begins, the user-programmable I/O output buffers are  
disabled and high-impedance pull-ups are provided for the  
package pins. The device returns to the Clear state and  
clears the configuration memory before it indicates ‘initial-  
ized’. Since this Clear operation uses chip-individual inter-  
nal timing, the master might complete the Clear operation  
and then start configuration before the slave has completed  
the Clear operation. To avoid this problem, the slave INIT  
pins must be AND-wired and used to force a RESET on the  
master (see Figure 25). Reprogram control is often imple-  
mented using an external open-collector driver which pulls  
DONE/PROG Low. Once a stable request is recognized,  
the DONE/PROG pin is held Low until the new configura-  
tion has been completed. Even if the re-program request is  
externally held Low beyond the configuration period, the  
FPGA will begin operation upon completion of configura-  
The contents of a Field Programmable Gate Array may be  
read back if it has been programmed with a bitstream in  
which the Readback option has been enabled. Readback  
may be used for verification of configuration and as a  
method of determining the state of internal logic nodes dur-  
ing debugging. There are three options in generating the  
configuration bitstream.  
“Never” inhibits the Readback capability.  
“One-time,” inhibits Readback after one Readback has  
been executed to verify the configuration.  
DONE Pull-up  
DONE/PROG is an open-drain I/O pin that indicates the  
FPGA is in the operational state. An optional internal  
pull-up resistor can be enabled by the user of the develop-  
ment system. The DONE/PROG pins of multiple FPGAs in  
a daisy-chain may be connected together to indicate all are  
DONE or to direct them all to reprogram.  
“On-command” allows unrestricted use of Readback.  
Readback is accomplished without the use of any of the  
user I/O pins; only M0, M1 and CCLK are used. The initia-  
tion of Readback is produced by a Low to High transition of  
the M0/RTRIG (Read Trigger) pin. The CCLK input must  
then be driven by external logic to read back the configura-  
tion data. The first three Low-to-High CCLK transitions  
clock out dummy data. The subsequent Low-to-High CCLK  
transitions shift the data frame information out on the  
M1/RDATA (Read Data) pin. Note that the logic polarity is  
always inverted, a zero in configuration becomes a one in  
Readback, and vice versa. Note also that each Readback  
frame has one Start bit (read back as a one) but, unlike in  
DONE Timing  
The timing of the DONE status signal can be controlled by  
a selection to occur either a CCLK cycle before, or after, the  
outputs going active. See Figure 22. This facilitates control  
of external functions such as a PROM enable or holding a  
system in a wait state.  
November 9, 1998 (Version 3.1)  