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5962-9561101MZC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9561101MZC
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Field Programmable Gate Array, 190MHz, 320-Cell, CMOS, CQFP164, TOP BRAZED, CERAMIC, QFP-164]
分类和应用: 可编程逻辑
文件页数/大小: 76 页 / 730 K
 浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第23页浏览型号5962-9561101MZC的Datasheet PDF文件第24页  
XC3000 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
be used to drive the remaining unused routing, as that  
might affect timing of user nets. Tie can be omitted for quick  
breadboard iterations where a few additional milliamps of  
Icc are acceptable.  
Peripheral Mode  
Peripheral mode provides a simplified interface through  
which the device may be loaded byte-wide, as a processor  
peripheral. Figure 27 shows the peripheral mode connec-  
tions. Processor write cycles are decoded from the com-  
mon assertion of the active low Write Strobe (WS), and two  
active low and one active high Chip Selects (CS0, CS1,  
CS2). The FPGA generates a configuration clock from the  
internal timing generator and serializes the parallel input  
data for internal framing or for succeeding slaves on Data  
Out (DOUT). A output High on READY/BUSY pin indicates  
the completion of loading for each byte when the input reg-  
ister is ready for a new byte. As with Master modes, Periph-  
eral mode may also be used as a lead device for a  
daisy-chain of slave devices.  
The configuration bitstream begins with eight High pream-  
ble bits, a 4-bit preamble code and a 24-bit length count.  
When configuration is initiated, a counter in the FPGA is set  
to zero and begins to count the total number of configura-  
tion clock cycles applied to the device. As each configura-  
tion data frame is supplied to the device, it is internally  
assembled into a data word, which is then loaded in parallel  
into one word of the internal configuration memory array.  
The configuration loading process is complete when the  
current length count equals the loaded length count and the  
required configuration program data frames have been  
written. Internal user flip-flops are held Reset during config-  
Slave Serial Mode  
Slave Serial mode provides a simple interface for loading  
the Field Programmable Gate Array configuration as  
shown in Figure 29. Serial data is supplied in conjunction  
with a synchronizing input clock. Most Slave mode applica-  
tions are in daisy-chain configurations in which the data  
input is driven from the previous FPGA’s data out, while the  
clock is supplied by a lead device in Master or Peripheral  
mode. Data may also be supplied by a processor or other  
special circuits.  
Two user-programmable pins are defined in the unconfig-  
ured Field Programmable Gate Array. High During Config-  
uration (HDC) and Low During Configuration (LDC) as well  
as DONE/PROG may be used as external control signals  
during configuration. In Master mode configurations it is  
convenient to use LDC as an active-Low EPROM Chip  
Enable. After the last configuration data bit is loaded and  
the length count compares, the user I/O pins become  
active. Options allow timing choices of one clock earlier or  
later for the timing of the end of the internal logic RESET  
and the assertion of the DONE signal. The open-drain  
DONE/PROG output can be AND-tied with multiple devices  
and used as an active-High READY, an active-Low PROM  
enable or a RESET to other portions of the system. The  
state diagram of Figure 20 illustrates the configuration pro-  
Daisy Chain  
The development system is used to create a composite  
configuration for selected FPGAs including: a preamble, a  
length count for the total bitstream, multiple concatenated  
data programs and a postamble plus an additional fill bit  
per device in the serial chain. After loading and passing-on  
the preamble and length count to a possible daisy-chain, a  
lead device will load its configuration data frames while pro-  
viding a High DOUT to possible down-stream devices as  
shown in Figure 25. Loading continues while the lead  
device has received its configuration program and the cur-  
rent length count has not reached the full value. The addi-  
tional data is passed through the lead device and appears  
on the Data Out (DOUT) pin in serial form. The lead device  
also generates the Configuration Clock (CCLK) to synchro-  
nize the serial output data and data in of down-stream  
FPGAs. Data is read in on DIN of slave devices by the pos-  
itive edge of CCLK and shifted out the DOUT on the nega-  
tive edge of CCLK. A parallel Master mode device uses its  
internal timing generator to produce an internal CCLK of 8  
times its EPROM address rate, while a Peripheral mode  
device produces a burst of 8 CCLKs for each chip select  
and write-strobe cycle. The internal timing generator con-  
tinues to operate for general timing and synchronization of  
inputs in all modes.  
Configuration Modes  
Master Mode  
In Master mode, the FPGA automatically loads configura-  
tion data from an external memory device. There are three  
Master modes that use the internal timing source to supply  
the configuration clock (CCLK) to time the incoming data.  
Master Serial mode uses serial configuration data supplied  
to Data-in (DIN) from a synchronous serial source such as  
the Xilinx Serial Configuration PROM shown in Figure 23.  
Master Parallel Low and High modes automatically use  
parallel data supplied to the D0–D7 pins in response to the  
16-bit address generated by the FPGA. Figure 25 shows  
an example of the parallel Master mode connections  
required. The HEX starting address is 0000 and increments  
for Master Low mode and it is FFFF and decrements for  
Master High mode. These two modes provide address  
compatibility with microprocessors which begin execution  
from opposite ends of memory.  
November 9, 1998 (Version 3.1)  