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73S8009CN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 73S8009CN
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内容描述: 二合一ISO- 7816和USB通用智能卡接口IC [Combo ISO-7816 and USB Universal Smart Card Interface IC]
文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 342 K
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73S8009CN Data Sheet  
Important Notes:  
1. When the host is not powered by the VDD supply of the 73S8009CN, special care must be taken  
as the host signals going to the 73S8009CN can be active when the device is powered OFF.  
This can create issues such as excessive current drain on the control signals and potentially  
prohibit proper turn ON of the 73S8009CN. Series resistors on the input signals (except the  
ON/OFF input) are recommended to provide isolation and prevent any potential problems.  
The recommended value of these resistors is 47kΩ. It is also necessary for the host to set  
these input signals to the low state (except for ON/OFF) when the 73S8009CN is OFF. False  
activation of the card is possible if the CMDVCC# or CMDVCC% inputs are low (with a card  
inserted) when the 73S8009CN is powered ON. For this reason, the proper sequencing of the  
73S8009CN is required. The CMDVCC# or CMDVCC% inputs must be set high immediately  
before the ON/OFF input is taken low to turn on the 73S8009CN. The time between setting the  
CMDVCC# or CMDVCC% inputs high and the setting of the ON/OFF input set low should be  
kept to a minimum as the CMDVCC# or CMDVCC% inputs, when set high with the 73S8009CN  
OFF, will draw significant current under these conditions. The 47kΩ series resistors will  
mitigate this current draw. However, some additional current will be drawn through the  
resistors to the CMDVCC# or CMDVCC% inputs during this time so it should be kept to a  
2. For applications where ON/OFF is controlled by the host, the OFF_REQ and OFF_ACK signals do  
not need to be connected to the host. When the OFF_ACK pin is left unconnected, the 73S8009CN  
will turn off properly by the action of the internal resistor connection to OFF_REQ.  
3. If the host is capable of selectively monitoring the I/O line, it can be used in place of the VDD supply  
monitor as it is tied to the VDD supply through a pull up resistor when the smart card interface is not  
4. When the 73S8009CN is powered OFF, the host will not be able to detect a card event (card  
insertion/removal). If this function is necessary, then the host must monitor the card connector switch  
5. For systems that do not use VDD to power the host controller, the host interface signals must operate  
at 3.3V as the 73S8009CN digital logic operates off the VDD (3.3V) supply regardless of the value of  
the VPC supply.  
6. The ON/OFF pin is internally pulled up to VPC through a 24kΩ resistor. Special care must be taken if  
the host signal controlling the ON/OFF signal is running at a voltage different from VPC. If this is the  
case, then either the host control signal must be a maximum VPC supply tolerant open drain output or  
an external circuit should provide some isolation between the host control signal and the ON/OFF pin.  
7. For those systems that require low power operation or are battery operated, the host controller circuit  
firmware should place the 73S8009CN in the OFF state if no card activity is required.  
Rev. 1.4  